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  3. Psst! If you're new here, welcome! Please visit these pages first for information about the forum and Mekorama:

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Comments on Profile Post by Sewerbucks

  1. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Maksudnya foto Avatar/photo profilku?
    Aug 30, 2021
  2. Sewerbucks
    Betul Itu...
    Aug 30, 2021
    Timothy Eugene likes this.
  3. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Oh Kalau menurut saya sih.. B botnya agak gemuk kalau dilihat dari jauh
    Aug 30, 2021
  4. Sewerbucks
    Kukira Itu Foto Permpuan Pertama. tapi, saat Dilihat...
    Eeeh... Ternyata Itu Icon App Mekorama Yang Diedit Pake Photosop Express...
    Aug 30, 2021
    Timothy Eugene likes this.
  5. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Itu B bot nya aku sendiri yang edit
    Aug 30, 2021
    Sewerbucks likes this.
  6. Sewerbucks
    Yess, Get It... Ya... itu Bagus
    Aug 30, 2021
    Timothy Eugene likes this.
  7. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Makasih :) hihi..
    Aug 30, 2021
  8. Sewerbucks
    kau Bisa Follow Saya...
    Aug 30, 2021
    Timothy Eugene likes this.
  9. Timothy Eugene
    Aug 30, 2021
  10. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Btw.. Kayak nya cuma beberapa orang indonesia aja yang online disini..
    Aug 30, 2021
    Labyrenight likes this.
  11. Sewerbucks
    btul itu
    Aug 30, 2021
    Timothy Eugene likes this.
  12. Timothy Eugene
    Timothy Eugene
    Semua orang pada ngumpul di discord
    Aug 30, 2021