This is a repost because @Labyrenight and @Pratik Bhalerao noted me about some unused blocks in the previous version. Hopefully those unused blocks are now used in this version.
Spoiler I tried to zap R and make him fall on Eye. But I am not getting right spot. When I zapped from corner Stair, we both fall.
@Pratik Bhalerao ..i only managed about 50% success but presumed i was missing something discussed in earlier version.
@P_simorf Spot on! The rest I have already played! Spoiler That rest was easiest when I played the previous version. Not needed to think much.
@Labyrenight . No it doesn’t. I had already tried that move and failed twice in a row with R falling onto B (on my ipad)
@ridgerunner is it due to different devices? I waited until R faced the higher stairs, otherwise R would fall to B.
@ridgerunner the problem from my way is when R is falling but its head is facing upwards, B can't get through
@Labyrenight Yes that worked! But zapping R when he turn to next high Stair otherwise it won't work. Plus, even I go according to your move, I get no chance to go for last Star. Because R falls by having his eyes up, on which B can't step on. So zapping worked 100% but there is no chance of going forward. I will go with @P_simorf move, it has less stress and optimal. R falls every time with his eyes down.