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Unloaded Chunk

Three tricks required.

Unloaded Chunk
Link, Jun 13, 2021
Playtime likes this.
    • Link
      Bot mount
      Low ceiling
      Stop the top R from moving by moving the slidable object up. Then use B to push the ball.
      Direct R towards the big draggable behind where B spawns. Get R on the stone stairs and B on the draggable under the stairs. Move the draggable that B is on up and R will mount you.
      With R on B, you are going to be a bit wobbly. Direct him towards the stone stairs paralell to the stone obelisk, and he will get on the higher part of the draggable. Get on the lower part. R will use B as a block and continue straight. When he goes down the next flight of stairs,
      Get R on the metal stair. Bring him down and he will collect star. Bring him back up to continue your journey.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool, moderately difficult, logical level! Thank you! I had to think hard and restart the level several times.
      R likes to fall off B's head.
      And the slider to the first star is badly uncomfortable to grab! Because of this, I restarted several times.
      The rest is SUPER!
      Link likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link - Issue number 1: The rail may look like a rounded block but it's not. If you use a flat block like a stone block, then a ball may not roll off properly and since R doesn't stay around long enough, the ball may stop and then it's out of reach. I really hate restarting because the level isn't made stable - a rounded half pillar - ball rolls off everytime.
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Enjoyable straightforward level although I didn’t use the horizontal draggable just above R.
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I got it the next time :thumbsup:. I didn't use the slider that had the wedge on it nor the slider above the lower R or the metal stairs inside where the lower R is. The lower section felt completely different than the upper part - it's like you ran out of ideas so just filled it in. I also didn't use low ceiling. Overall good level.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
    • Rating:
      Didn't use low ceiling and some of the elements in the level. Autopilot B and miss to get the last star on the stone pillar Herded lower R to get the star beside zapper. Same goes to the upper R. Thanks for sharing @Link
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Papo Mendez
      Hay varios elementos que estan demás pero me resulto divertido y eso no influyó en mi calificacion. Gracias por compartir
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Enjoyed this one and all the forgiveness it had. Was able to make many mistakes and yet solve it without a restart! Fun and interesting level :D
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