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Tricky Motors

I made a short, tricky level this Christmas that I hope you'll enjoy!

Tricky Motors
P_simorf, Dec 25, 2020
    • P_simorf
      • Autopilot
      • "New trick?" that I'll show later via video.
      • SSS
      • Motor that can act like a wedge
      • Claustrophobia
      • Squat Drop

    • Rating:
      A short interesting level, ideal for what is likely to be a busy day. I had a full win and a shortcut win but neither used your new trick. So i went back and tried it out and I can’t remember seeing it before. It works well. Instead I caught B with the rotatable at 45 degree angle and swung up to deposit B on the wedge. I liked the full solution.
    • Rating:
      Quick & FUN tricky level...Thanks for sharing @P_simorf :)
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I didn't want to go full stars as some of the moves were questionable if stable. For example, the squat drop is a simple move but B got pushed back onto the stairs over and over. I did like the extra space you provided for the auto pilots. The rotor acting like a wedge was hard to get so I just did an auto pilot. Thanks for sharing
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy, @ridgerunner , @delator77, thanks for P, C, and R!

      I'll post a video solution so that I can show you my intended solution and compare more clearly our solutions.

      The part where the motor acts like a wedge is at 0:32.
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - I did it much the same way aside from the opening. I tapped the same spot but rotated the rotor so B landed directly where you ended up. I though the wedge move was to get B onto the wedge with the rotor - it works but B could land on the white space due to the fiction.
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      Yes they are very tricky. Worth fun playing. Thanks.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      Tricky. Technical. Skillful.
    • MomoKeego
      I am so disappointed. I've tried this level numerous times and it's always the same problem.
      At 30sec in vid, the pillar column should lower & stick to do an autopilot. Mine does not stick; autopilot not possible. Rats. :(
    • cimarronline
      @MomoKeego Don't pull it hard all the way to the stair there. Pull it close to the stair and then let go, and it will move the rest of the way and stick.
    • Rating:
      @cimarronline, yeppers, that was my prob; it needs a delicate touch. Your help is much appreciated. :thumbsup:
      @P_simorf, I am so happy to have FINALLY won Tricky Motors and it is, indeed, extremely tricky. Would not have won if not for your VS.
      Many thanks for all you do for us here in Mekoland! :D
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    Y ur so trickeh?!?!
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    Dec 25, 2020
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