Spoiler: Phantom Trick / Video Solution Tip: If the phantom trick doesn't work in one viewing angle, try other viewing angles. No other tricks.
Hi, @Logo! I have collected all the stars except the topmost star. I don't have an idea how to get it. Could you give me a hint?
I can't figure out the start... Spoiler Is B meant to stand on P when he appears? Only I don't seem able to step off the steps.
@Chris Hester Spoiler: Hint Tap on P quickly right when he appears. P is slightly raised when he appears and you're holding the draggable.
@Logo I can do it! But now I am stuck. Spoiler I let B go through the tower near the top! Now P can go up the steps and reach the top. But he refuses to stand on B when he's moved down on the slider...
This level immediately appealed to me visually and invited me to play. The many good reviews have also made me curious...unfortunately I don't know the phantom trick and can't complete the level yet. Could you possibly publish a VS about this? That would also help to understand the phantom trick. If not, I'll keep trying anyway