Loved it! A nice Christmas design, really taking advantage of the theme and the colors, tricky but not overly tricky, just enough to add to the enjoyment of the level, fun to play, filled with nice surprises and satisfying to win. Excellent Christmas gift for Mekorama fans! Thanks guys!
Really cute and clever ! But not too difficult to climb up (even if I'm still trying to climb down...) Sometimes I had to heal Santa's backaches Congrats for being featured !
@#ffffff Well @Cool_Kids includes @richardfu_ himselve. Great level, great theme. The shape of the house is also wonderful. And the winlocation ofcourse.
Amazing level!!! Really creative, based on logic with nice visual design. Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!
I knew I forgot to rate this one too. Of course a five star level given the pedigree behind it, but well deserving too. Fantastic artwork from the as mentioned snowmen to the house including what looks like wood flooring and especially the snow white ground outside. It was apt that Santa should come from outside the property and go, you know... Just amazing how many ways you can use a lever and how you can get an R bot to go just about anywhere. So for the excellent artistic and technical design, well done! Thanks for the present!
Insane beautiful can one imagine such a brilliant parcours? Very well done - thank you!!!!
Altough it isn't a difficult level I like it so much,specially the design...the house and the snowmen are really pretty...very good job
Very beautiful and funny level. It took me several tries, but I have enjoyed with it. Thank you for sharing it!