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Steven Maki

xXx Next Level

Trick Needed..

xXx Next Level
Steven Maki, Sep 4, 2020
delator77 likes this.
    • Steven Maki
      info : I edited the previous image for a bug fixes, but it couldn't be replaced. Instead, I uploaded it from scratch; so the previous comment is gone ...

      trick : autopilot, sbs, low celling cancel tab, etc....

    • BangTe
      Didnt see video
      Konsep auto pilot nya keren... B jtuh didlm lobang..
      Tp R nya gk bisa nyebrang. Bola yg di aer gk nimbul2

      Sorry i gave up
      The ball on water didnt appear
    • Steven Maki
      @BangTe saya tidak tahu bola diatas air mana yang dimaksud, tapi apabila itu bola kedua yang jatuh kebawah bersamaan (v.s menit ke 00.32) maka bola itulah yang dilepas lalu dorong - v.s menit 02.06 (sebelumnya sdh ditahan draggable samping kanan - v.s menit 00.22), dia akan jadi tempat menyebrang si R.

      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      @Steven Maki yng kedua bersamaan. Ball di atas pilar metal. Pas jatoh kbwah berhenti Gk muncul2. Jd gk bisa nyebrang. Males liat vidsol. Maaf lg sayang paket buat daring dzoom besok hehe:D

      Ok i ll try again..
    • Steven Maki
      @BangTe itu bagian dari permainan, jadi jebakan kalau tidak di tahan...justru harus ditahan karena akan ada fungsinya.... Nggak liat vidsol bagi saya No Problem...
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very FUN tricky level with a lot of things to do... The design is nice too...Thanks for sharing @Steven Maki ;)
    • Steven Maki
    • Rating:
      I had a serious love-and-hate relationship with this level. :) On the one hand it was thoughtfully engineered, the moves were all fun to execute, and the path was so complex and non-linear that it was so enjoyable to discover and freestyle your way inside the complex. On the other hand this was infuriatingly hard with no recovery points and some Q.O.L. changes like ball landings could have been improved.

      The fact that I did this about 30 times (no kidding) means the stage must have been so fun to explore and not give up on. I just watched the vid (having data just now) after all those attempts and found out I did things slightly differently, but was still able to bring R up above same path as you, but only once out of those 30+ times. Up above I found out there was a massive shortcut above with just B, no R necessary, which led me to win, but I just had to find out what was the intended way so I came here to peek. Anyway, Great job! Thanks for sharing!
    • Steven Maki
      @mothproof woww, thanks for the comment, very useful for me. nice to see you here. Once again, thank you.
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