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PillarL is B's best friend. He can help B to do lots of things, including the X.

mastersifu, Aug 18, 2021
Helena, RZK, Br0K3N and 1 other person like this.
    • mastersifu
      Trick - One simple tap and miss is required for B.
      Tip - Sometimes you'll have to spin fast, sometimes spin slow.
    • R 'oland
      I wasn't able to finish the level as intended (I assume).
      Using to propeller to get up and using autopilot/propeller to the winblock

      I will rate after figuring out how to do it as you've planned :rolleyes:
    • mastersifu
      @R 'oland Not a surprise as I knew some skilful players like you will find good use of the rotor. So I added the zapper there but seems like it's still not enough. Anyway, thanks for playing. Hope that you can figure out the intended way as I think it is kind of interesting.
    • Rating:
      I gave up trying to find a win using all the balls but i found several winning gameplays and had great fun. I used one fundamental difference in all my gameplays.
      i used a B autopilot to push the budgeable
      pushed the two lowest of the balls nearest L then small autopilot onto fence then pushed budgeable.
      used the wheel to nudge B into the trench. Autopilot B onto the vertical draggable and autopilot push the budgeable getting B to land on it.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner I knew it was going to have a few different alternatives but I actually thought that you will figure out the X move. I see most of your solution uses autopilot to push the budgeable. My bad not preventing this possibility. Nevertheless, thanks for playing, commenting and rating!
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      cool level. There are so many different paths. I have never used a ball in a tunnel. And I never drove L under the rotor. I also walked through the tunnel and used the autopilot. I am very much confused (confused) by sticks at all your levels!))). But this time I guessed that L could get off the stairs on a stick. But I just can't get used to it. I have a stereotype that I cannot destroy - "stick-impenetrable !!")))). And it always brings me down. The only thing I haven't figured out at your level is what to do with a loose element. The most offensive thing is that I thought to scroll it and put it on the fence. But I thought - "how will I get on it?" And I did not take into account that there are still fan blades! And that on this blade you can go to this element. And for this I did not put it correctly. Started watching the video. And it turned out that this is correct.
      You need to think a lot at your levels!))).
      In a day I can go through either 10 levels of other participants - or 1 of yours :rotf::rotf::rotf:
    • mastersifu
      First, I'm very happy you played and managed to complete it. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating! Yes, there are many possibilities but if without autopilot, i think there's only one way. Also, in case you didn't know this, R/L can walk onto anything from a leading stair - a rail, an eye, wedges or the L-shaped stair. I'm planning to do small mini levels so let's wait for them.
    • Rating:
      Not sure if my win is the intended cause I didn't see the movie but as I used the trick you said,I am happy!! Thanks for sharing @mastersifu ;)
    • mastersifu
      @delator77 Great! You're the first who completed it as I wanted. By the way, this level can be done without tricks too. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating! Your comments always make me feel delighted!
    • Rating:
      This level manages to be creative, challenging, and purely logical. I could describe this level as "tricky, but without tricks." The feeling of realization and amazement the last step gave me was very satisfying. Thank you for such a wonderful level.
    • mastersifu
      @Br0K3N Thank you very much for playing, commenting and rating! You know what's the best thing you can do before going to bed? It's receiving feedbacks from you guys - the experienced ones in the forum. I'm very happy you enjoyed my level. Thanks. Now I can have a good sleep.
      Br0K3N likes this.
    • Buurmas
      @Denis Nazin, I had the same problem of not realizing that R or L could move from a stair to a rail. So many little movement rules, I can't remember them all! It really should have been a clue to me, though, to see
      the stairway to nowhere, just the right height. You don't get more obvious than that, do you? There might as well be a sign above it that says "Mount Pillar bot here!"

      My biggest problem was actually that I got the X move right away... too soon.
      There were a few moves that came before that that I missed.
      It's nice that you can get this move to be fairly stable. The first time I saw it was quite a delight.

      I'm glad that, although this level had some technique challenges and some elements that were a bit unstable, it was easier than "Bot Control". (But still difficult.) Whew!

      Thanks for sharing, @mastersifu!
    • mastersifu
      @Buurmas It's very great to see your comment again on my level! I'm very happy that you played it. Thanks for playing!

      I actually thought the mounting point will not be so obscure as you said - It leads to nowhere but the same height as Pillar bot. The challenge will be how to get Pillar bot there?

      Good for you to figure out the X move. I've tried my best to stabilize it in my device and glad that it works stably for you too! There are a strict sequence of things to do and once you got that X move, you're quite near to the end. And I'm glad that you managed it well!

      Yes, I agree with you that Bot Control is more complex than this one. But you can see the difficulty starts to drop. And my next level will be a bit easier than this one as well. Most of the players commented about it.
      Buurmas likes this.
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