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Work-Sleep Cycle

At some point, B should sleep to direct R.

Work-Sleep Cycle
P_simorf, Apr 22, 2021
shaun Roberts, d'SUKI and delator77 like this.
    • P_simorf
      Direct R using B's head and lipoma/cyst/whatever excessive growth at the back of his/her head that Dr. Sandra Lee cannot surgically remove.

      The draggable on top acts as a stabilizer to prevent B from wobbling. It also pushes B from its slightly tilted sleeping/lying position to a strictly horizontal sleeping/lying position. The draggable below wakes up B from sleeping position.

      How to make B lie/fall asleep? (Yup, not in spoiler tab because the move is not intuitive and it's new to you.)
      1. Press the red brick. B will tilt either leftwards or backwards. The desired tilt is rightwards. To prevent B from tilting leftwards, press again the red brick or the block underneath B. Keep on pressing the red brick until you see B's body tilting rightward. Drag down the uppermost draggable to further straighten B's lying position. R will be able to proceed to the back side.

      To lift B's lipoma/cyst, use the draggable with fence on top. Don't push B too harsh or B might tilt leftwards and you won't be able to move B again.

    • Rating:
      Frustratingly i had a quick lucky shortcut win before i saw how the level worked, but then took a while to get the designed gameplay to work.I found it difficult to get the exostosis to move out the way after R had crossed over forcing the turn to right for the finish. Liked the suspended animation.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      I was awared about how to pass R on Win.
      But I had no idea how to turn B to right side.

      Read your instructions, then I got it right.
      Brick really helped me.

      It was nice but, little random for me.
    • Rating:
      Fun & original...Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;)
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Couldn't have done it without the right side tilt hint :p
      Entertaining level with some very unusual moves !:thumbsup:
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