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Don G Rowe

With or Without

With or Without
Don G Rowe, Nov 6, 2020
    • Don G Rowe
      Thanks to all who played the original card. This one cleans up the landscaping and closes a shortcut on the tricks side.

      As before, one side uses tricks. The other does not.
      Autopilot, Side Step Stair, Hercules, Springboard Stair
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      Now all tricks needed. Great 2 wins lv.
    • Rating:
      Still beautiful either way... and I can still do that toss to avoid the SSS. :D
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I decided to go full stars after I read the first comment. I played the level and by chance did the no trick side and said "What was the point of the other part?" Played the other side and it too wasn't hard or too challenging but together made for good fun. Thanks for sharing

      PS. I would have preferred if B needed to do both sides in order to win....
    • Rating:
      I understand the changes...Same FUN & gameplay so same rating ...Thanks for sharing @Don G Rowe ;)
    • Rating:
      Two for the price of one!! Great fun, I did both ways and really enjoyed the trip, :thumbsup::D!
    • D.S.Masters
      I did both ways (in the original and in this one), and I actually prefer the no tricks version, just because of the ball order, reusable slider, and the compactness of the design. Heck, I'll probably hang on to this one, just for fun, and to practice the SSS, which I always have trouble with.
      Jom likes this.
    • D.S.Masters
      @Meko Guy A combination of the two would be cute, yeah...
    • P_simorf
      @D.S.Masters A combination of the two would have a gameplay that's similar to your level card entitled "Opposits Attract".
      That level card poses a lot of challenges.
      1. Win the level card both ways.
      2. Bump as few balls as possible in both ways.
    • Don G Rowe
    • D.S.Masters
      @Don G Rowe Yep, same basic gameplay, just combined. Oddly enough, the tall slider on the non-trick side gave me some trouble this time around, mainly in the realm of the two balls it interacts with.
      And I still didn't use SSS. :D
    • Rating:
      Oily Jake
      Tried it both ways, then the iPad battery died the moment before I stepped onto the tricksy win. It still counts, doesn’t it?!
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