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It was estimated that one acre of wetland can store over 1.5 million gallons of flood water, reducing the duration and severity of floods. Help B the explorer enjoy his short journey through the wetlands.

laurence.gr, Nov 24, 2017
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Rating:
      The swing arm attached to the rotor that B starts on isn't stable or it was unstable on my device. Trying to rotate the swing arm after B gets to the 2 half pillars was almost impossible - the arm just wouldn't turn towards the other 2 half pillars. Very frustrating, trying over and over etc. B did win as intended but before that B fell off the swing arm and was lightly bumped and landed on the step with the rail between them so missed the first part of the level on that win. Thanks
    • laurence.gr
      @gmacpro |
      Yes, the swing arm was hard to rotate on my device and on other several devices (tablets, PC) but works perfectly fine when rotated in standard isometric views (turning off the free camera). I also find that rotating the swing arm in opposite direction will turn it in the correct direction. It behaves in a way we don't expect but I'm glad you made it through :thumbsup:
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      Theoretically perfekt! But this arm acts like a wild horse.
      Thousand restarts even though I knew the solution. But nice idea and riddle! Great job!
    • laurence.gr
      @Sickboy |
      thanks for the review, and playing and patiently using the arm. I found it easier to rotate the swing arm by turning off the free camera as it's more stable. It's also not enough to know the solution, players should also know how to execute the plan correctly.
    • Don G Rowe
      Just because I was curious about the arm mechanism's instability I gave this a try. So B got to the first static half pillar okay, then I swung the arm back around. It was vibrating pretty badly, but B got back on. When I then tried to swing the arm back the other way, it snapped up vertical and tossed B high in the air off the top of my screen. B came back down and landed ... On. The. Win. :eek:

      Needless to say, you can file that one under "miracle" rather than "shortcut" ... ;)
    • laurence.gr
      @Don G Rowe | Amazing. Actually, that's the intended solution. No I'm kidding. What :eek:?! I knew this would happen. I should have added more rails above the win block. Thanks for playing :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      So that makes 3 for the game play +1 for the miracle.
    • Rating:
      Nice level with clever idea but goes quite unstable.win with Down g rowe's method.
    • laurence.gr
      @PvB | Miracles do happen. They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but now I doubt it. (Turn off the free camera and you'll be able to rotate the arm better.)
    • Rating:
      Cleverly designed level:thumbsup:. Thanks!
    • laurence.gr
      | Turning off the free camera would stabilize the rotation of the arm. This is the intended solution and demonstrates the arm-rotation technique:

      B should safely get to the win block.
      Experts in our area always warn about walking across the wetlands:
      Rule 1: Under any circumstances, follow the selected path, even if it is very winding, never attempt to make a shortcut across a swamp or a bog.
    • Rating:
      Quite challenging especially for the ball walking move. Thanks for sharing.
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