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From the top of the tower, P observes B. He understands that B wants to climb the tower and decides to show the way to B.

Jóh, Jun 26, 2021
    • Jóh
    • PurelyMe
      Haven't tried the level yet, but in case I forget to say this later -- I LOVE that Poirot is your profile pic. :)
    • Rating:
      Great, mysterious, beautiful puzzle! From the moment of the unique opening, I knew this one was going to be good.

      (Nice use of wedges!)
      Jóh likes this.
    • Rating:
      Phenomenal gameplay. Nice use of wedges and balls. Thanks for sharing @Jóh
      Jóh likes this.
    • Jóh
      @PurelyMe Hi. Hope you can test this level soon and that it pleases you. I've read several books by Agatha Christie and I identify a little with Hercule Poirot. Not in intelligence, but in some customs. I'm looking forward to the release of Death on the Nile.
    • Jóh
      @cimarronline Thanks for playing my level. I was very happy with your comment and your assessment.
    • Jóh
      @mastersifu Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad my level pleased you.
    • Rating:
      Great level...I did one step different but nothing important... clever & fun gameplay... Thanks for sharing @Jóh
      Jóh likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      This level is basically unplayable on my ipad. At the start the winblock budgeable moves one block further forward than it is meant to, so that the gameplay in the video doesn’t work as B can’t get onto it. However i did find a way to win by performing a SBS and placing B on the sand beside the step. Surprisingly this triggered the winblock sliding back into position. I liked the designed gameplay.
      Jóh likes this.
    • Jóh
      @delator77 Thanks for playing and for the great feedback.
    • Jóh
      @ridgerunner When I built this level, it happened several times that the victory block fell in the wrong place. I made several changes and tests until I got to this mode with the wedges. But I thought there might be bugs on different devices. Most errors happened when changing something and restarting the level. Glad you found a way to win even with the mistake. Thanks for listening.
    • PurelyMe
      @Jóh I'm afraid you're too advanced for me! That would have taken me waaay too long to figure out. It's very creative, though... and has plenty of 'order and method'. Poirot would be proud. You certainly used your little grey cells.

      P.S. I forgot to mention, though, that it worked flawlessly on my phone
      Jóh likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      That was incredible and all the mechanisms moved so smoothly. I needed the vs to figure out how to move B on the ball so thank you for including it!
      Awesome level :D
      Jóh likes this.
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    Jun 26, 2021
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