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Meko Guy

Vague Path v.1

There are a few ways to do this level – pick the way you are most comfortable with. Some tricks used

Vague Path v.1
Meko Guy, Feb 18, 2020
    • Meko Guy
      This is a repost as the last version was too hard so this one is easier and the ending is completely different.

      - auto pilot (tap and move slider to redirect B)
      - delayed auto pilot (tap and move slider to hold B, once safe release B to complete the auto pilot)
    • Rating:
      Completely different feel to the level with the new ending but all sections blend together. No problems with P now so I enjoyed the main features. My win was slightly different as i got B to header the ball; or maybe he didn’t! I would need a slow motion replay.
    • Rating:
      It has a lot of work to do. And need a long time to know tha path and purpose of bots.. Nice and cool:thumbsup:
      Butttt i like your short and only B levels ;)
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - It was called 'Vague Path' for a reason. Most players like B only levels and smaller one, including me, but I also like to make very small, medium, large, no tricks, tricks, a little bit of everything - but no hidden. Thanks for P, C and R
    • Rating:
      Little bit lucky on the top ball... But i like the waiting auto pilot... My winning is use toa to get ball under block win... But I doubt that is a normal win...:cool:
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Feb 18, 2020
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