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Jay kokare

Unstable One

This is very small level.

Unstable One
Jay kokare, Oct 10, 2017
Adiorama, PvB and Frince like this.
    • Rating:
      unstable tricks are never nice
    • Rating:
      Yes - What an aptly named level. In fact it’s more of a demo that barely offers any gameplay.
    • Rating:
      Instability is not a good thing. Quite the opposite, in fact. The gameplay, as the title suggests, is very unstable and boring. Actually, I would go as far as to say that there’s no gameplay at all. However, here’s an extra star for the discovery and the clean, minimalistic design.
    • Chuckthulhu
      I'm not going to rate this as this barely counts as a level.
      I tried something similar for one of my levels and ended using it in a different way precisely because it's so unstable, I may sound like an elitist but to me this is the complete opposite of what the purpose of the game is.
      However, I'm interested in your reasoning to give such a good rating @PvB. I mean, you've been a member here for too long and I know you have some great levels, so I'm really intrigued as to why your standards are so low for a specific group of creators.
      I mean, it's okay to want to encourage new creators, but it's not okay to do it for the wrong reasons. I can't imagine any creator I admire using this trick, say that repeating it 3 times is a level and calling it a day.
      I wouldn't give Richard Fu a 5 for this and least a new creator because this is barely a demo.
      And I've been barely active so I may have missed some things, but I'm waiting for @Azerald's silent 5 stars rating as well.
      I really don't understand what you all are doing and what you pretend to accomplish but I want to say that it doesn't look good on any of you...
      You should encourage more quality not quantity.
    • Puzzler
      @Chuckthulhu Yes, this is exactly what got me really confused. I’m still relatively new here but I’m already really tired of these bad stuff getting so many 5* ratings that are barely justifiable even to new members like me. These nonsensical ratings are giving us a hard time trying to find real quality levels to play with. Can the moderators at least do something to keep things in check, please? :confused:
    • Chuckthulhu
      @Puzzler I can see what you mean, I gather you are new in the forum but not to the game and when I was new to the forum the first thing I did was check the highest rated levels, so I understand your confusion...
      I've talked about this before and I'll keep talking about it, I think we're not doing any favors to anyone misusing the rating system.
      Puzzler likes this.
    • Puzzler
      @PvB You guys seem to be ignoring the fact that all your unjustified 5* ratings are hurting the community as a whole. I'd rather let everyone know which levels are actually good to play with, instead of seeing others get disappointed over and over like I already did. Yes I'm still new here, but I've already seen quite some reviews from @nGord on older levels from newcomers, and they aren't always 5 stars but also 3s or 4s (occasionally lower) with actual reasons and suggestions. That's the kind of reviews that is super helpful to players like me, and also encouraging to the creators.

      What you guys doing are NOT encouraging new members -- True encouragement should not be all about the good, it should be like how @pArAPPA dA zAPPER mentions the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in one of his reviews. ;)
    • Chuckthulhu
      @PvB I don't want to turn this into a bigger deal than it may be, I want to think about other things players and members of the community and exactly how in the beginning there was a toxic member that pushed people away (we miss you @KPACABA).
      But we need to be careful when we try to avoid hurting someone's feelings that we're not hurting the community at large.
      I try to do my best to encourage both established creators and newcomers, but we can't encourage mediocrity, we need to encourage creativity.
      I have an album full of levels that either had 1 rating or none whatsoever, I kept going because I liked the game, I wasn't looking for attention.
      I want to encourage @Jay kokare to keep creating levels, I just want him to work harder into making better levels. That's an advice I've given to my daughter who likes to draw, you can't expect people to shower you with praise for something you're doing in a place where people are pouring their time and heart to do it better...
      Look at the 10 Daltons levels, think about how long it took BB to create those levels, in the end some (if not most) of those levels are getting less attention than levels like these, it's not fair either.
      My last piece of advice, create a private group, I have my friends in the Spanish community and we share our levels there, we share advice about what's working and what's not and I can tell you because you I've seen it that someone like José Luis Galiano takes weeks creating a level until he's satisfied with the final work.
      I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but I'm not comfortable lying to someone to make them feel better either.
      You can keep rating with 5s, but I don't agree with the reason of doing it to avoid hurting feelings, it's better to help them showing where the levels can improve to prove the Puzzlers and Rats that you're a great creator, that's how I feel at least.
      If more time was spent trying to make better levels instead of trying to make more levels there wouldn't be any bad rating here. My thoughts.
    • Rating:
      pArAPPA dA zAPPER
      The only thing that deserves a 5 here is the comments section... Lol
      Nah bro, I can't support these kind of levels, I'm sorry that you feel bad man but do you rather feel bad with the truth or feel good with lies?
      I'm giving 2 stars for the same reason @Frenzies did, at least the design is clean.
      chemi likes this.
    • Jay kokare
      @PvB Thanks for supporting me I need an encouragement I know this level is pretty unstable but you understanding me and my levels thanks. @Chuckthulhu@Puzzler@Frenzies@Rats If you not like my levels then there is no need to rate my level as PvB said.
      Your ratings are really hurts me so next time if you not like my levels so please don't rate my levels in future also please don't rate my media's.
      PvB likes this.
    • Rats
      i will rate anything i play with whatever it deserves. i will always be truthful with my ratings, unlike PvB. lying with a rating will only hurt you Jay because it hides the truth from you.. this is not a toddlers nursery where everyone gets a medal for participating
    • PvB
      If You talking about level improvement then you must play uncharted-1 by Jay kokare.@Chuckthulhu.
    • Jay kokare
      @Rats as I say in my previous comment. I not need anyone to rate my media's 1*or 2*
      PvB likes this.
    • Rats
      PvB it doesn't matter if there's a good level in the past. a bad level gets a bad rating. in the real world if you do a bad job you get fired. Jay if you don't want bad ratings don't post it, or make it better
    • Chuckthulhu
      @PvB I'll try it, thanks!
      @Jay kokare nobody needs ratings, be it 5 stars or 1 stars, that's just part of the system. But you saying that sounds really immature, I'm trying to be supportive here, I do not support the negative comments but I understand the feelings around here, what you have to understand is that the moment you publish something in the forum you are opening the door for criticism to the whole community, so stop asking people to not rate your levels with "bad ratings".
      Puzzler likes this.
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    Jay season 1
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    Jay kokare
    Oct 10, 2017
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