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Denis Nazin

Typha cattail

No TRICKS! You need pushing and shifting the bot. There is one hidden slider - this was required by the design, but I think you can easily find it. Good luck friends!

Typha cattail
Denis Nazin, May 22, 2023
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      You need pushing and shifting the bot. There is one hidden slider - this was required by the design, but I think you can easily find it. Good luck friends!
      The most important labyrinth at this level is the passage of cattail thickets
      Time - 3:01
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I thought they were cattail thickets :D. This is a great level! It was fun and engaging. The path through the cattail thickets was mostly a matter of doing whatever next step was possible, but not all, and that did cost me a retry. Another retry was the ending mechanism that I triggered first thing, first attempt. :rotf: Really like the mechanism. It's really fun. Also liked the bird.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder I'm really happy that you liked :D
      Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH :thumbsup:;)
    • Rating:
      Excellent puzzle, very original... when I think that all is said in Mekorama you appear with some fresh, different & fun :rolleyes:... keep it up my friend!! спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Oh my friend, thank you very much for your lovely comment!!! I really enjoy it:D!! I really love new and original ideas, I like it when forum members create something new and different from the rest. I'm glad I can do that sometimes too. Therefore, your comment is very valuable to me! Thank you:thumbsup:;)
    • Rating:
      I recognise these cattails as they are distinctive. Loved to see them swinging about and the gameplay was clever and original.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
    • Denis Nazin
      @FXCX Oh , Thank you SO MUCH :thumbsup::D
    • Rating:
      Karen 2.0
      Very cool mechanism, interesting gameplay and beautiful design. Thanks for sharing my friend ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Karen 2.0 Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH my friend :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Excellent level idea!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      Design is very, very, very similar to cattail thickets!:eek::thumbsup::cool:
      You made the cattail moving in the wind part of the gameplay, very stable and fun!:rotf::cool::thumbsup:
      I really like this level!:D
    • Denis Nazin
      @Mekologic Yes, yes, yes my friend!! You absolutely got the design idea for this level right:D:thumbsup:;). This is a cattail that sways in the wind, on the banks of the river:rolleyes:. At first, I really wanted all the rods of cattail to swing. But in order to make the gameplay correct and varied, I had to leave some stems static.
      Thank you! THANK YOU VERY MUCH MY FRIEND! I'm very glad you liked it
    • Rating:
      You are creating lots of complex puzzles recently but this one stands out for me due to the animation. You have returned to nature for this design, I am reminded of the wonderful peacock design, and have captured superbly the feel of bullrushes swaying in the wind.
      Thank-you for the video solution without which I would have retired defeated.
      I liked the ending and imagined B as a dragonfly larva climbing out of the water and transforming into a wonderful flying creature. A challenge perhaps for you and/or 97?
      Thank you for sharing.

      В последнее время вы создаете много сложных головоломок, но эта выделяется из-за анимации. Вы вернулись к природе для этого дизайна, я вспомнил о прекрасном дизайне павлина и великолепно уловил ощущение камыша, качающегося на ветру. Спасибо за видео-решение, без которого я бы ушел в отставку побежденным. Мне понравилась концовка, и я представила Б как личинку стрекозы, вылезающую из воды и превращающуюся в прекрасное летающее существо. Возможно, вызов для вас и / или 97? Спасибо, что поделились.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Thank you very
      VERY MUCH my friend
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