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Chris Hester

Two Houses v2

A slightly reworked version so the stars are easier to get.

Two Houses v2
Chris Hester, Mar 15, 2022
fares and Robot B like this.
    • Rating:
      Robot B
      I don't know if republishing the level was the right thing...
      When you repost a level very often the players who have already played it do not return to play it again.
      Unless the modification is critical to improving the quality of the layer (for example if there is an obvious shortcut).
      I was sad to see the unrated level for which I returned to give my rating (not long ago the same thing happened to me):
      As mentioned the gameplay is simple, but the design is really nice.:)
      I appreciate the change, it is now much easier to get the stars in the houses.;)
    • Chris Hester
      @Robot B thanks! I was planning to keep the original but had to delete it when I was informed not to keep different versions of the same level on the forum. I have now learnt not to do that, unless essential to fix a major issue.
      Robot B likes this.
    • Rating:
      A very pleasant walk in a lovely neighbourhood, visiting "friends" and collecting stars. Thanks for sharing.
    • EL797
      Easy peasy, lemon squeezy ;)
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    Mar 15, 2022
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