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Twin House

simple puzzle house. little trick needed

Twin House
Chasano222, Mar 25, 2018
delator77 likes this.
    • Chasano222
      B and R each have just bought new house. but because of the resemblance of their new house, they are confused and wrongly entered. Help them get back to their true house. Two solution are available.
    • gmacpro
      Why was the last one deleted?

      EDIT - the mechanism is way harder to fall now!!!
    • gmacpro
      I am not seeing how to get the ball on the opposite side of B.... Hint? Maybe the darkness is hiding something?
    • gmacpro
      Cancel - last I see the slider on the other side works now!!!!! That was a bad post!!!!
    • Chasano222
      @gmacpro yes, last one deleled because of stuck dragable on B house. now revised card uploaded
    • gmacpro
      Okay - getting tired of this.... B got the ball, B can't get down - hint please.

      EDIT - Cancel last as B fell properly this time.
    • Chasano222
      to drag one upper dragable on R house must be released two bottom dragable first.
      to get ball in the corner must break the bridge at first
    • Rating:
      Since this is a repost and the 1st one was broken, I needed to change my mind set on how I was going to do this level as it worked differently. I thought the 1st level was hiding something as I couldn't see a way over to the other side. Was getting tired of the traps over and over and another and another. Great level now that its done. Thanks
    • Chasano222
      thank you for your rating and fast trying my level just the same time when i realized my first uploaded level have a little stuck @gmacpro
    • Rating:
      Excellent logic level with a very beautiful design:cool:!! The only trick I used was...
      Springboard Stairs to went with B to push B's house pillar....is this right?:sneaky:
      Thanks for sharing and great job @Chasano222 ;)
    • Chasano222
      @delator77 thanks for like and rate
      if you mean to knock down the bridge pillar at home B, by banging it several times with that rear draggable so B does not need to go ground floor, yes it's a shortcut trick
    • delator77
    • Chasano222
      :rolleyes:your tricky movement in video is also a quick ways to go inside the house. another path is need three steps. well done @delator77
    • gmacpro
      @Chasano222 - @delator77 used a SBS (springboard stairs) move - I did that at first until I was able to find the intended way.
    • Rating:
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