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Anxo Varela

Turmix v2

Make the Turmix rotate... And win! I hope this is the final version, without shortcuts.

Turmix v2
Anxo Varela, Aug 25, 2017
    • Anxo Varela
      @gmacpro , @ridgerunner , @cool guy and @hadi I'm sorry for the shortcuts and another issues you have detected previously.

      Although all of you are experimented Mekorama gamers and creators, I think this mechanism needs a little explanation to avoid the unstable behaviours you have noticed.

      To avoid B falling, you have to rotate 90, 180, 270 or 360 degree exactly. If you make 179° or any angle not a multiple of 90, the bot always falls.
      If you have care with that, the mechanism is soft. Soft enough for make B go from one to another platform. In fact, this behaviour is an essential part of this level, because it provides some of its difficulty.
    • Rating:
      I think I got to the win the intended way. Thanks
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    Aug 25, 2017
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