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Guilherme Martins


Guilherme Martins, Jul 13, 2017
Playtime, MomoKeego and tueftle like this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Hi and welcome to the forum. This is an interesting and very different first level, which makes me think it may just be the first level you've posted. The aesthetics, layout and path planning are great, and you get extra points from me for not concealing the ZapR in the interior completely.
      I think the solution would have been more intuitive if the win were reachable from the interior corridor, and the challenge was timing the push so that B doesn't get zapped. Falling from the free slider to access the entryway to the win looks and feels more like a mistake. I had to fall for your red herring trap before even thinking of that area as part of the path. But again, nicely done and I'll look forward to more of you creations. :)
    • gmacpro
      Started off good and then the hidden stuff started so after three attempts wondering what you might have done, I gave up.
    • Rating:
      @gmacpro The creator of The roof gives up? You are searching too far. No tricks needed at all. Just a little bit (intended) misleading. I liked the teasing.
    • gmacpro
      @tueftle - Thanks for the plug or dig but I'm not a fan of hidden levels. There are enough other levels to play that are not hidden to pass my time.
    • tueftle
      @gmacpro that's OK. Only one thing: I don't think that this is a hidden level (with draggables, you don't recognize as such; or only little bit visible in an spezial angle and zoomed as big as possible). It is more trial and error.
    • Rating:
      Thanks to @tueftle - I gave it another try. The zooming didn't work but a passage that was tried before worked this time. The end of the level is still hidden.
      tueftle likes this.
    • Guilherme Martins
      There seem to be three ways to win this level, but in fact only one leads to victory. So there is no way that a passage that did not work one time, it works in the next try. The correct and unique way to the win is the easiest one too, but you seem to have been seduced by other paths that may be more intuitive. This is precisely the intention of this level. :)
    • Rating:
      Very nice puzzle. Reaching the win is much easier than it initially looks. If you have figured out the right route, the solution is even quite simple.
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    Jul 13, 2017
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