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A few tricks are needed

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Link, Jun 21, 2021
    • Link
      You must know R behaviors to win this level.
      Use Bot mount at least 3 times in this level
      Bot falling (from bot)
      Bot falling (from motor)
      B likes to stay in the light. It might take a few taps in order for B to stay in the shade.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link - My first thoughts - 4 bots - the more bots the harder or the more complex - let's see.
      Link likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @Link - So far so good. Took me a while to release R as the ball wasn't the way. I'm almost ready to come down but I'm checking the game play before I do as there is no going back up.
      Link likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      A good level but I'll throw in another star as it was better than good. I was concerned about the R and B fall as the ball was very close and that fall does make the bots fall unpredictably. R did nudge that ball but it stayed. I was then concerned if the ball was over too far to release the lower P but it worked out. A few things to think about next time. Thanks for sharing.
      Link likes this.
    • Link
    • Rating:
      Very fun level... Thanks for sharing @Link ;)
      Link likes this.
    • Link
    • Rating:
      First saw @Meko Guy comments and thought this will be a tough challenge but turns out it was not as tough as I expected. Not too hard but not too easy as well. Upper floor took me some time as I couldn't figure out what the P was for. I used autopilot once there. After that, the lower floor is pretty straightforward so it's good as didn't need any restarts after the 50% mark. Thanks for sharing @Link
    • Sammy 5
      Used B to get the top star but couldn't figure out how to get him down. Enjoyed the middle level and finding the hidden star. Did not use zappers with rotor to get Righty down. So not sure if I did the level correctly.:p
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Edit to above post. Just got it all figured out and what a fun and creative level this was, especially the top floor!
      Superb :thumbsup:
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