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The Way is Shut

It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. However, 6 boulders dropped into the right place will wipe out the resident ghost army and clear the way for Bob to get through.

The Way is Shut
IceBlade, Jan 28, 2022
MomoKeego and delator77 like this.
    • IceBlade
      No tricks, but there are limits to what the physics engine of Mekorama can do. Every so often I found it couldn't overcome inertia, but most of the time it all worked just fine. I hope you have fun on the mountain. For cultural reference,
      And if you reeeeeeally need it ...
    • Rating:
      I love it, but..., ;):unsure::D:rolleyes:! The route is lots of fun, but although I spotted the first almost invisible ball, I had to look at the video to find the other. Most of the hidden stuff was guessable, but if you aren't looking in the right place when you pull out the block in the side wall, you have no way of knowing what it does!
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A very hidden level. It will be helped to pass only by intuition and experience. It was very interesting. Thank you.;):confused::thumbsup:

      I didn't watch the video. But I think that I passed correctly because I was able to win without tricks.
    • IceBlade
      Thanks @Jom I was trying to be a little bit sneaky. The empty Stone Half Pillar was supposed to give away the fourth or fifth ball tapping point, depending on your sequencing, and that last one near the trap door is supposed to put you nearby. I agree with too much hidden stuff being a pain. It becomes more guess work than fun, so like I said I tried to leave hints. Most of the hidden stuff is the paths that lead the balls to just one location, so I had to hide a little bit of B's journey. I hope if it requires just one restart because folks go "Oh, I didn't see that before" then its ok. My favourite part, if you have the sound on, is the long drawn out grinding as the door painfully and slowly opens - like as if it really was an ancient stone door in a mountain. Thanks so much for playing, and for the great rating.
      Jom likes this.
    • IceBlade
      @Denis Nazin thanks for the comments. If you found 6 balls and ended up at the win without tricks then that's right on the money. I provided the walkthrough video because I didn't want the level to be impossible for anyone to solve. I find it so frustrating when I can't figure levels out myself. I have several uncompleted cards I've grabbed over the years but not been able to finish. I always appreciate you including Walkthroughs in your posts because even if I'm too dumb to figure out what to do I can give up and watch the Walkthrough and then go back and actually enjoy the level. Yes, some stuff was hidden, but most of B's journey is on the outside and I wanted people to get the sense of not knowing where the balls were going to achieve until right at the end. Thanks again for playing and the for great rating.
    • IceBlade
      @Denis Nazin from just a purely engineering perspective, I was amazed that Mekoengine could handle the inertia to do what it did. Those six balls collect into one spot and are pushed by two sliders. The end result is that 6 balls in a tunnel at floor level push a metal block that has a dozen vertical metal pipes stretching all the way to the top. These slide the door and the trapdoor. The real-world leverage resistance would be incredible. It's why it takes so long and grinds so painfully - but it gets the job done. Amazing!
    • Rating:
      The gameplay was a bit hidden but hey,was part of the challenge :sneaky:
      liked the design too... thanks for sharing @IceBlade ;)
      btw,now the way is open :p
    • IceBlade
      @delator77 thanks Bernard the Second. Really appreciate you checking out my level, and your rating and comments are always appreciated. Glad you could help out Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn and Bob.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Awesome and fun level to figure out! There was just enough view ports to see what was going on :thumbsup:. Really enjoyed this one :p
    • IceBlade
      @Sammy 5 thanks so much again for stopping by and checking out my level. :thumbsup:
      Sammy 5 likes this.
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