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Scare Crow

The Hall of Redemption

Most important paths are usually concealed from the common eye

The Hall of Redemption
Scare Crow, Aug 20, 2016
MomoKeego likes this.
    • trids
      I feel a bit overwhelmed here! There are so many interesting options, it's not clear where to focus attention. I can't find any natural hints from the layout. Where is a good place to start?
    • Scare Crow
      @trids no doubt there are many paths and you may try them all........but only one path will lead to success.......others wont.....and yes about the natural hint......i have tried to conceal them as much as possible.... So sometimes what is visible might not be enough to provide a hint...a "sherlock holmes" kind of deduction may be required......or perhaps just a good luck will do.... :):):)
    • Scare Crow
      And of course i can bet that you can finish it if u focus a little because all this level is but the application of your theories.....:)
    • Rating:
      I'm not a fan of poor reviews, but here are a few things you may want to consider:
      - be careful not to obscure too much of the playing area unless you're trying to hide something as part of the puzzle - being limited by viewing angles is not fun for most;
      - this level appears more of a maze game and yet it expects the player to know the climbing exploit - if you want to mix genres of games, perhaps explain so in the title description or first comment;
      - if I'm wrong and there is no need for the climbing exploit, then the level should be designed in such a was as to avoid its use;
      - consider using wedges and cylinders to prevent some of the rotating pieces from obstructing each other;
      - the rotatable bucket? is particularly cumbersome to use;
      - a theme or interesting art would go a long way towards enjoyment of the game.

      I did finish the level, but my experience was long, painful, and unrewarding. Cheers.
    • Scare Crow
      I wanted the level to be long and painful....but not unrewarding.......i am sorry for that....i will consider these points you gave for my future levels.....and yes thank you very much for the review
      trids and nGord like this.
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