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The Dead Blade

HansonCo. Presents

The Dead Blade
HansonCo., Feb 13, 2017
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Don G Rowe
      I'm going to hold off rating this one because I feel you should think it through a bit more carefully. Your blade doesn't throw the free draggables far enough away to prevent them being used to cheat. You could achieve the same effect using balls.
      You certainly don't need to use them to win (or even cheat) since all you have to do is ...
      Stop the blade with the slider, run B to the motor in the center, pull back the slider to restart the blade, then drop B down to the win.
    • Don G Rowe
      P.S. Love your avatar! :)
    • Rating:
      The blade was fast and sharp. I liked how it was stoppable and the pathways were manageable. A little logic required here and there. Thanks
    • HansonCo.
      @Don G Rowe Right, I need to remove those draggables!
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    Feb 13, 2017
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