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The Birds

The birds have run amok attacking people just like the classic movie. B discovers that the behaviour is being coordinated by one individual bird fitted with a control device. He must brave the attentions of the crazed avians and climb upwards through the flock to disable the device.

The Birds
MekoMole, Sep 4, 2021
    • MekoMole
      Another complicated (???), busy, noisy and seemingly chaotic level. Look beyond the mayhem and I believe there is structure and playability. Hopefully also fun. I'm still trying to compete with my grandson's Super Mario but fighting a losing battle I'm afraid.
      Visibility can be a bit restricted due to the complexity of the design but such is life. The passage between the two large birds requires care, as does the route under the tail of the lowest bird.
    • MekoMole
    • MekoMole
      On reaching the ground collect the only star on that level as your actions to get the star could prevent a future problem.
      Negotiating the rotating platforms on the corners of the level requires care and possibly some frantic repeat tapping.
      The transit between the two large birds can be tricky. Get onto the start of the level passageway after the stairs, wait and then go forward on the downbeat of the upper birds wings. If you didn't follow advice and collect the ground level star make sure the vertical slider on the far side of the transit is raised in case B falls off the stair.
      The passage under the tail of the lower bird is best done in two stages by detouring to collect the star on the grass.
      When swinging B on rotating arms on the corners take it slowly and where allowed stand on the pivot pojnt before rotating.
      The rotating birds can knock B off his perch on the ascent to the stone platform midway up. They can be stopped from rotating and, indeed, this feature is used to transit across the level just below the top bird.
      If you have the misfortune to fall outside the game area it is possible to get back into the level but doesn't actually spare you a lot of repeat moves. If you have the misfortune to land on the feathers of a bird, gsme over and restart I'm afraid.
    • Rating:
      Although chaotic .. a masterpiece of mechanics and complexity .. I've been self teaching game mechanics .. but you have opens my eyes to other possibilities. Thanks for all the work and effort ! Awesome job.
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      @DavidR Thank you for kind comments and generous rating. It seems to me that there are possibly no limits to the complexity of what can be built using Mekorama and this appeals to me. On the other hand excess complexity probably kills playability but it is still fun to push boundaries. I have some experience of game design from decades ago and enjoy designing and building more than playing. That said I am a newcomer to game build apps like Mekorama.
      Wishing you well on your self teaching adventure.
      DavidR likes this.
    • MekoMole
      @DavidR Just had a look at your album!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've been doing a lot of self teaching.
      DavidR likes this.
    • Rating:
      Pink Axa
      Nice idea, Interesting level and fun gameplay. Thanks for sharing and well done!
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      Very busy level, great mechanics, nicely done. Must of to a while. Thanks for sharing @MekoMole :thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      I like the two kinds of birds that fly differently. I didn't notice there was a star at the lowest corner so I replayed it once to collect all the stars and to enjoy watching the birds flying around. By the way, i like your description.
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Pink Axa for playing, compliments and very generous rating. The fact you found it fun makes the build worthwhile.
      Pink Axa likes this.
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @shaun Roberts for kind comments and most generous rating. Been working on this on and off over several months. I like to leave most levels for a while then revisit and then usually rework. This one has been through several iterations.
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @mastersifu for playing, compliments and very generous rating. Delighted you replayed to get all the stars. Placed that star to encourage people to raise the vertical slider to the up position as I had the odd occasion when B walked off the stair into mid air. Glad you like the decription, I used to do press releases for the local Scouts and the old art of talking things up is gradually returning.:)
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Super cool maze !. It was with great pleasure that I collected all the stars! Thank you for this exciting adventure trip. I really felt like I was in some kind of movie. Cool. Definitely 5!;):thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      @Denis Nazin So glad you liked this, makes me feel like dancing with wolves. :) On the subject of wolves your inspired creation has prompted me to attempt a pale imitation but in the form of a sabre toothed tiger. Work in progress but hopefully released within the next few weeks. In the meantime thanks for playing, too kind comments and very generous rating. So grateful also you haven't published any embarassing shortcuts :rolleyes:, so far at least.:)
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