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Teamwork 4 Kids

Kids, have fun squeezing B and redirecting R!

Teamwork 4 Kids
P_simorf, Aug 29, 2020
    • Rating:
      Nicely done. may require to repeat the sandwich push but it works just fine. The name you gave it though is a little itchy. take note it has qualities of what magni could've made. Afterall, path finding is the mission described in the game. Making a level easy enough for a child to figure out does not degrade your identity as an author as long as the mechanics work. :thumbsup:
    • P_simorf
      Sa title talaga ako nahirapan. I crei. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
      Thanks bruh for P, C, & R!

      I added the fences and yung "stopper" para less chances na mahulog si R. One possiblity na lang mafa-fall si R which is from the stair block to the draggable instead of 3 possibilities. We don't want kiddos to be in panic mode if R falls :rotf::rotf::rotf:. And di rin naman siguro gugustuhin ng kiddos na ipahulog si R :rotf::rotf::rotf:.
    • Propesyonal
      @P_simorf all holes needs all balls. if they mess around with that rule, the level wont' end.
    • Ray Aznable
      4 adults who has kids soul...
      Jom likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      i will share this to my nephews.
    • Rating:
      Enjoyable and original level. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
    • P_simorf
      Xie xie for P, C and R, @EL797 !
    • P_simorf
      @Ray Aznable
      Hopefully 5-7 year old children will like this hahahaha

      "Fun squeeze" is fine for 8-16 year old people especially that they can handle the autopilot at the last part HAHAHAHA.
    • Rating:
      Oso nibel dibertigarria,ume eta ez hain umeentzat...Diseinuaren simetria ere asko gustatzen zait....Eskerrikasko partekatzearren...
      Very FUN level for kids & for those who are not so kids... I liked the symmetry of the design too... Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;)
      Jom and P_simorf like this.
    • P_simorf

      Wow Euskara in paragraph! I feel guilty for not reading Basque learning resources recently huhu. I'm just playing mekorama whole day :rotf::rotf::rotf:. Eskerrik asko for P, C, and R!
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      This level had great potential but R doesn't like being unstable and often even though the platform was in the corner in the water, R often wouldn't pass and go up the stairs. The first legs was good but after that each leg needed to be repeated two or three times. R either got stuck or if R did go up the stairs, the ball wouldn't be hit. Having B do the work upstairs would have been more stable. Overall, nice level.
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy
      What I usually do when the platform doesn't touch the sides is squeeze B in the draggable that's opposite to the side that is supposed to touch the wall.

      I also consider using the same mechanism in my future level. I think that it will suit well in a B-only logic level. I still have to further conceptualize it tho.

      Thanks for P, C, & R!
    • P_simorf
      I'm also surprised to learn that the Spanish "nivel" is spelled as "nibel" in Basque :eek::eek::eek:.

      Just realized too that @Propesyonal is the Tagalog for the Spanish word "profesional". :D
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - The platform was touching the sides down below in the water but R still got stuck.
    • Ray Aznable
      now I understand why @Meko Guy always
      criticizing everything. it is not complaining
      nor disliking. although this level or other levels
      that he complaining to are good enough,
      still he is arguing about many things.

      the reason just because he is trying to understand
      the ideas which never come up in his mind.
      silently acknowledging good ideas trhough
      some sentences which are seem to be
      bad connotatively but in fact they arent bad.
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