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Struggle 5

Let's take that move to another level ✨ Last 1 of this series ☺️

Struggle 5
Anomynous, Jul 2, 2020
    • Anomynous

    • Rating:
      I had expected the ball to fly both ways which would have been satisfying but the designed alternative was quite well disguised. I felt the ending was strange and i thought I likely used a shortcut but no , same gameplay as video.
    • Rating:
      Really liked the use of balls and the unusual ending! Puzzling but intuitive.
    • Anomynous
      @ridgerunner I thought about that... But i found that unstable do that's why i didn't badd on both sides ;)

      Thansk 4 P,C&R✨
    • Anomynous
      @cimarronline wowww:eek:
      You both rate it so fast. Just like you both were waiting to play this one:D:p
      Glad to got review from you after a while:)

      Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
    • Rating:
      Strange last step but as I did it like you...I'm happy:) FUN ending to a FUN saga:sneaky:...Thanks for sharing @Anomynous ;)
    • Rating:
    • Anomynous
      @delator77 :D I'll use that step again ;)

      @Iskandar Really glad that you liked it.;):)

      Thanks both 4 P,C&R✨
      Iskandar likes this.
    • Rating:
      +1 star for being playable
      +1 star for no shortcut
      +1 star for the nice design
      +1 star for all the unusual steps
      +1 star for the fun gameplay :)
    • Anomynous
      @EL797 such a nice review:):thumbsup:

      Also, your review remind me of @Ray Aznable . Hope she will come soon:D:p

      Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      A few moves were a struggle to get... The ball at 20 seconds stopped on top of the other ball many times even though you had rails to guide the ball straight. The last UP move - my B ended up on the white space so a rail / fence would have been nice to keep B in play. I needed the video for the ball toss as I was trying to toss B and then do a mid air tap on the other side but even if that worked, B would have been stranded so I should have seen past that.
    • Anomynous
      @Meko Guy seems like you did pretty well struggle :p :D
      I also face that problem about 2 balls. Only good step is required... Mean if we push that Ball in L shape .. the ball gone wrong. ;)

      Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
    • Rating:
      This is so gooood. When I'm on the 3rd last step I was so happy that I thought I finally complete this level after trying so many time figuring out the way but suddenly the tiny little zapper that I thought as a decoration zap the crap out of me:rotf:. Anyways, this level is so fun:thumbsup:. Keep up the good work:D.
    • Anomynous
      @Yujenem :p:D:rotf: it's really fun to read your review:D
      Yeah that Zapper looks like decoration:D:p

      It's good to see you on my level:thumbsup:

      Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
      Yujenem likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      solved it in first attempt.

      observe and think hard before start.
      u put some beautiful traps here:
      1. ball at edge doesnt mean to be pushed from left
      2. ball inside hole must be keep to stay there. or else it might slide off the level
      3. last slider might be tempting to deliver B
      by staying ontop of it. but there is zapper.

      thanks for sharing.
      u are very clever.
      remind me of how quick
      u make perfect first level
      in only one week since ur first time
      join the forum.

      and im still supicious with u :sneaky:
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