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Spell Book

This is a demo for a new kind of adventure ...

Spell Book
    • Valentin

      Hello and welcome, dear Meko-friends,

      Today, B is facing a great new adventure! Do you want to be part of it?

      The beginning of the story can be summed up quite simply :
      W, an old magician – and now bookseller - asked B to go in search of the “Spell Book”, an old grimoire of which no one has kept track...

      HOW TO PLAY ?
      The principle is simple and is inspired by the “books in which you are the hero”.
      At each chapter (=level), the choice of the way to follow is left to the player. Simply note the number corresponding to the chosen destination – included inside the level - and find the corresponding spoiler in the comments below.
      The desired spoiler leads you to the next chapter.
      Note that every Meko-level card is clickable and playable immediately*.[​IMG]

      You start in the Meadow !
      —> spoiler N°1
      (btw, have you played the main title card ?
      Easy, wasn’t it ?)

      ... Come on, B is waiting for you to start his quest !

      * with the help of play.mekorama.com. Many thanks to the developers of the game !
      Thanks also to mekostudio.com !
      EL797 likes this.
    • Valentin
      This level is an experimentation to extend the world of B beyond its usual size. I recognize that I actually like the 16x16x16 limitation (for the same reasons as many people here) … but I had this idea in mind since a long time and finally achieved to make it concrete.
      The world of SpellBook is not very large, indeed. It took me some time to design the whole thing. Some errors may occur. I pray for everything is going okay.
      Some chapters are nothing more than landscapes, with no star to find, but many are playable and winnable... Actually, most of these chapters are very or too simple for experienced players. Sorry for that. At least, one new mechanism of mine is included in the game, you will have to find it :confused: !

      Note that there is no need to win or even play each of the levels, one can travel around the land just following the numbers .

      … I hope you have as much fun as I had making all of this !

      For such a pluri-levels game, a video solution or several videos would be far too long … to me ! But in case of extreme necessity ;) you can refer to the...
      • 0 Spell Book (main level card)
      • 1 The Meadow
        • 743 Smokin'House
          • 1701 The Pond
            • 015 Tree Parchment (or 150 Top of the Tree)
            • 1329 : Message in the Clouds
          • 558 In the Forest
            • 486 Sea Shore
            • 218 At Sea
            • 175 The Black Rock > 928 Map of the Quest !
        • 1125 CourtYard
          • 248 Castle Hall
            • 99 Dark Cellars
            • 1307 The Well
            • 41 Bucket Bottom > 156 Bucket Parchment
          • 169 Helix Double
            • 1471 Dungeon Guards
            • 876 The Book
            • 323 The End ... > 814 End message
      … in which you'll find an almost complete map of the land.

      As recommended by a player friend and a very wise administrator, I opened a new thread in the forum to discuss the surroundings of this level and its future if you are interested and amused. I would be happy to hear your ideas :) !

      The game had (and very certainly still has) some errors. Like wrong numbers leading to wrong paths. This is due to the complexity of the imbricated links, the many levels, etc. Thanks to the first players :thumbsup: I could fix them. For now. PLease tell me if you see something which is obviously a mistake ?! Or anything that looks too strange.
      The good point of this "spoiler gameplay" is that I just have to edit the links to make corrections :cool:...
    • Valentin
      Blank page. Nothing here...
      Nothing here either...
      You get the idea ! :D
      Good luck!
      PLAIN TEXT : Are you happy on that tree? I hope you are ... A storm might be on its way! Have you tried to invert the numbers that led you here? W
      PLAIN TEXT : A long way to come here ... in vain? Keep your courage and choose another path! See you in comments ;) W
    • Valentin
      Are you a satanist ??? :eek:

      Add 111 !
      A much more interesting number :cool:
      PLAIN TEXT : No one knows where B landed after he found the book and jumped into the air ... What happened next, no one knows either ... The Spell Book found ... and now lost again with its valiant discoverer ... Does it mean that a new adventure must be undertaken ? Isn't every ending a new beginning ?! Thank you for playing !!
    • Valentin
      Maybe the year in which the action takes place ?
      PLAIN TEXT : Be careful, young bot ! The wind is very powerful in this land ... What would arrive if you were taken away ??? ... it would be safer for you to climb down ... and continue your quest another place. W.
    • Valentin

      My birth year ! Is yours the same ?

      o_O Divide by 3...
      Have you opened every spoiler ??? o_O :D
    • Meko Guy
      @Valentin - I won but I don't understand your level and why all the spoilers are listed. The card in spoiler 1 doesn't play (ie: I can't download it) so I'm lost at the point.
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      @Valentin, I don't understand what is the point. Aside from that, the decors are very cool :thumbsup:.
    • cimarronline
      Fun idea! It will take a long time to complete the exploration, but my son is eager to try.

      The cards download and play fine for me, and I see you made them clickable so they can be played online. Very nice work, thanks!
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Other levels are linked within this single post, is your main point?
    • cimarronline
      @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Starting from the first posted level, there are paths to follow out of the level, and they are numbered. The posted level has a path numbered 1. So go next to level 1 in the spoilers that Val posted above. That level has two numbered paths out of it. There are many stars in the levels to find and challenges to collect them. That's the point. It's a huge world to explore.
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      I appreciate it ;);).
    • Valentin
      @Meko Guy Depending on your device, the level cards, hidden in the spoilers, are clickable and immediately playable.
      If you prefer you can capture the QR card or download it, like we are used to.
      I am scared if the download doesn’t work :confused:?!
      The spoilers are listed to hide the levels to explore. Most of them are empty, in consequence.

      Fingers crossed !

      EDIT. I could download the card Nb. 1 instead of clicking on it. And it worked in the app.
      @cimarronline didn’t have any issue until now. I really hope it will work for you too in the end.
    • Valentin
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