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Pedro Andrade


Pedro Andrade, Sep 13, 2023
    • Rating:
      Liked the start but didn’t like fumbling about in the dark for the low star.
    • delator77
      I give up my friend... usually I can deal with the hidden but this time is too much for me :(
    • Pedro Andrade
    • delator77
      @Pedro Andrade I tried a lot of times what you did but ALWAYS B get stuck in the manhole/cylinder block :(... for that reason I thouggt that there would be another way to do it :rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 I have absolutely the same feeling! @Pedro Andrade I liked the level and design. But the lower tunnel disappointed me. The first time my B died - but it intrigued me and I understood how to get through it correctly. The second time I did everything right, but my B sank into the slider. I don’t understand why you put an additional test in the form of a slider in the hidden path! It is not visible and if B gets into the slider and sank, it is impossible to pull it out. Because when throwing B, the bot is killed by lightning. If it weren't for this slider in the dark path, this would be a very good level.
    • Pedro Andrade
      @Denis Nazin, @ridgerunner , @delator77

      Boa tarde, jovens

      Eu deixei o B em uma posição que quando caísse na parde subterrânea, ficasse a duas casas do controle deslizante. No tempo que o jogador clicasse no local da estrela e baixasse a plataforma, B chegaria no local do controle que já estaria abaixado então pularia para o primeiro quadrado após o controle, caminhando no automático até a estrela.

      Não foi um dos melhores níveis que criei, mais imaginei dessa forma e testei essa situação várias vezes.

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    Sep 13, 2023
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