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S1E6 Roof Top

Not much to say for this one

S1E6 Roof Top
JojoIII, Aug 22, 2024
    • Rating:
      You should say tricks are required. The draggable that triggers the mechanism is confusing because sometimes 3 things are triggered and sometimes only one. It took quite some time just to find that hidden draggable and of course i restarted because of the nasty trap at the end.
      JojoIII likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      Have given up on this level after messing up the winblock twice then next start the mechanism ball jammed for the second time. Could not face the struggle to catch the awkward draggable again. I thought it was this draggable that produced the extra ball but hard to tell.
      JojoIII likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @ridgerunner After I won, I used mekostudio to look inside the mechanism to clear my doubts as per my comment. That draggable(not the awkward one) can trigger all 3 things - bridge the gap towards the step to the second floor, and two balls. So the mechanism ball is actually not needed(you'll still need to push it to open up the path for the star though).
    • JojoIII
      I promise you on the next one I'll give you a little respite:D
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