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S1E3 Underground

If you like hidden and complicated levels, then you are in luck (I would like to remind you that these are puzzles and therefore they are made to complicate your life) Otherwise good luck

S1E3 Underground
JojoIII, Aug 19, 2024
Ace likes this.
    • Ace
      traveling through the underground sometimes get annoying because the bars get in the way but otherwise a good level to spend time on :thumbsup:
      JojoIII likes this.
    • Rating:
      (I forgot to rate the level, my bad)
    • ohmytian
      The underground design is outstanding and looks realistic :thumbsup:and I really liked it:) but unfortunately there's too much hidden to me. I can get B to the bottom level but unable to proceed then. :unsure:Thanks for the level as I used mekostudio to see inside and it seems impossible to me to push the ball that complete the path on the bottom level as well as the mechanism inside.
      Ace and JojoIII like this.
    • JDev
      Это так сложно, but level is beautiful:недурно:
      Мне нравится this
      JojoIII likes this.
    • delator77
      @JojoIII Well, I noticed that all the levels you are posting these days I tested & played them in the past so maybe I will wait to new levels cause it has not sense to re-play levels that I already played, don't you think? :rolleyes:
      JojoIII likes this.
    • JojoIII
      Too bad because as I said, I didn't manage to continue this series:(
    • Rating:
      This level looks really good! The visual style is clever, and it's clear you put a lot of work into this level. On the surface (pun intended) this is a clever idea: stylistics, strategic openings in the level through which you can take action. For this I think the level is worth at least three stars.

      Unfortunately I found the level unplayable otherwise. It's too hidden, and I don't think it's possible to beat without opening in Mekostudio. It's not possible to see the hidden draggable, and even once you know where it is, it takes random guessing and checking to see how to use it.

      The hidden makes it almost impossible to find the solution, but it also makes the level very hard to play. As you can see in the video solution below there are many awkward clicks that take a while to work. I think you could have made the level easier to navigate without sacrificing gameplay by opening up the tunnels a little more. Maybe adding a light shaft here or there to increase visibility.

      I opened this level in Mekostudio and deleted most of the walls. It actually took a few tries to delete enough walls to make the level playable. This was the level I used to find the solution:


      And here is the solution for the actual level.

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