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Running Ben X

A new level with Ben. Here we go!

Running Ben X
BlueDragon, Jul 1, 2021
cimarronline likes this.
    • BlueDragon
      As always only logic, no tricks. Some objects are used several times. The way to each star is different. So you have to go through the level 3 times to get all 3 stars. To do this, you get back to the starting point every time.
      My last level for a while.
    • Don G Rowe
      Lots of rotating levers means I can toss B here and there and everywhere. So I gathered all the stars, but probably not how you intended. :(
    • mastersifu
      I think I didn't complete it as you intended in your spoiler. In fact, I did some B tosses like @Don G Rowe said and get all the stars along the way. Still a nice level in your style tho. Thanks for sharing @BlueDragon
    • ridgerunner
      I don’t like the idea of having to start from the beginning three separate times to get each star. I collected them all in one go. I gently lowered B off of the rail/cylinder rotatable near the two stars and gently nudged B onto a sand wedge. Not tricks in my book.
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    Running Ben
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    Jul 1, 2021
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