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Block builder

Rock castle

It is time to siege this castle. One bot for all, all bots for one!

Rock castle
Block builder, Jan 7, 2018
Helena likes this.
    • gmacpro
      I gave it a go but the level reminded me of a cluster f _ _ _ !! Too much going on (bots) and constant dead ends and bot bumping and taking wrong ways - too frustrating for me. I couldn't really see how to win based on the win location. Even looked at it in MekoStudio and that wasn't any better. Not my level - I guess.
    • Block builder
      @gmacpro You can play it one bot at a time, mostly. Just keep the others in the original grass patch. Also note that B can step off from tiny-R right at the start.
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wowzer! Let me start with the con - one hidden part that I lucked in on when I lost control of you know who. A side from that, on the pro side, thanks for the info about one bot at a time as it was very busy otherwise. I didn't win on seeing the way to the win but by trying as many possibilities as possible and seeing what happens. I'm glad it's over but now that it's over I feel great to have solved it. Now I'll check the video. Thanks
    • gmacpro
      Surprisingly, I did it differently.
      Short of doing a video, I held pillarR on the closest lift for later, I sent R to get the ball with B. B left R on the stone pillar going back and forth. B got no eye in place and R walked over to the other side. B swapped pillarR and R out, R went up the lift and went towards the win and waited. B got lower pillaR in place and then got pillarR up as per the first R (getting the ball). I hope that makes sense.
    • Block builder
      @gmacpro Jup makes sense. A bit more bot moving, but some tasks just done by other bots, which is fine. The end positions are quite determined, but getting there is rather flexible. Thanks for playing and rating!
    • gmacpro
      @Block builder - It's good there was some flex otherwise, I'd still be at it!!
      BTW, I did start by sending pillarR for the ball but when pillarR walked over to the other side, R was too high so I just swapped them. I didn't see the move, "up the stairs and pass over no eye" until the video...
    • Rating:
      Really enjoyed solving that. I did it in a different order also and there must be lots of ways to isolate bots in this flexible level. Made an early mistake thinking pillarbot was going to be needed in three places , then realised R was tall enough. Like @gmacpro , i stumbled across flathead R’s purpose by chance also.
    • Rating:
      This level reminds me of the level of the Daltons:). Of course this one is vertically!:D
    • Block builder
      @hadi Yes I do like those multi-bot levels. :D
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    Jan 7, 2018
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