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Chris Hester


No zappers this time. New puzzles too.

Chris Hester, Jul 5, 2022
    • Rating:
      Adiorama likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      it could be looks better,
      if you dont build them on whitefloor,
      but add one layer as fondation.

      bcz the paths are fun,
      and the white making them looks barren.
    • Chris Hester
      @Ray Aznable good advice! I've never been keen on white floor. It's just that it means adding a lot of blocks. I should do this and just copy the card for new levels.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Light entertainment level. Thanks;)
    • Chris Hester
      @Ray Aznable I took your advice and made a floor I can copy! It's given me lots of ideas, such as punching holes in the floor to add steps and water etc. I've used this same floor for my last 2 levels! :thumbsup:
    • Ray Aznable
      im honored,
      my little advice, could benefit u much.
      tbh, what i shared, wasnt my original idea.
      im just sharing my opinion
      based on observed other authors.
      their levels always have lower layer,
      could be decoration for finishing touch,
      to make their level looks more neat,
      or, to add some hidden mechanism in underground.
    • Chris Hester
      @Ray Aznable yes, hidden mechanism, cool idea :cool:. Endless possibilities!

      The only drawback is my floor is full size (16 x 16) but many levels are smaller. I can always cut out some blocks.

      Also it will be bad to use the same floor in every new level. I could make different ones of course.
      Adiorama likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Lots of activity for B in this one, with the little ones just adding distraction! Liked that there were recovery points if needed:thumbsup:
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    Jul 5, 2022
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