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Denis Nazin

Robo City

NO BOTS level! Good luck friends

Robo City
Denis Nazin, Nov 7, 2022
delator77, d'SUKI, MekoMole and 3 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      NO BOTS level!
      Carefully study the level and develop a strategy. If you understand the sequence of actions, then the level is simple.

      ATTENTION! The feed of long beams is blocked! Find and unlock it. And then get started.
      Good luck friends! I hope you understand this level and enjoy it.
      Time - 3:11
    • Dave
      Hey. I just finish your level i think hard for this to win. Just first try(dont believe here it took 10 attemps) i like the structure. Mechanism and mekorama orgin to me. Just in case that might you be a mecha
    • Rating:
    • Valentin
      Sooooo many tries, sooooo many errors (from me!)
      At my last attempt, I prayed so much for
      the "stick pusher" not to prevent the ball from reaching the WinBlock
      and it worked !
      Soooooo cool (level)

      Some classical unavoidable-mekorama-instability but the level is to learn how to deal with it.

      Ps. I hope you will try my level as much as I tried yours ?! :sneaky::rotf:
    • Rating:
      the rating was lost with editing the post
      5 !
    • Rating:
      Great idea with the budgeable transfer. I was looking for another ball at first until i saw the correct gameplay . Everything worked smoothly.
    • Rating:
      Amazing idea, you've got a whole factory of robots.
      Very interesting moves, stable and beautiful. :D:thumbsup::rolleyes::sneaky::rotf:
      I really liked your level!!!
    • Denis Nazin
      @Dave @FXCX @Valentin @ridgerunner
      Friends! I am very very grateful to you! Thank you for spending your time on my level. I really hope that despite the difficulties you enjoyed it. Thank you very much!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Mekologic Oh my dear friend, thank you very much! Your feedback always makes me very happy and inspires me!! Thanks:D:D:D:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Dave @Valentin Friends, I apologize for the inconvenience! This level genre is without bots. When there are bots, you can make restore points in case of failure or error. At this level it's not possible - unfortunately if you're wrong it's a restart. I apologize for this.
      With the correct and accurate sequence of actions, everything should work stability. I made this level for a very long time, because I fixed all the instabilities as much as possible (as far as possible). I tested this level probably about 50 times (If you take the first versions, then probably about 100 times:confused::confused::rotf:). Very rarely there are instabilities, I have kept them to a minimum (as far as possible).
      Thanks again for playing! I'm really grateful to you;)
    • Rating:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Ruisu Anesuto
      ¡Nivel asombroso! :eek: No creí que fuera posible hacer un nivel tan increible sin usar bots. :cool::thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      A lot of fun, no need bots to enjoy this level... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
      btw, don't be surprised to see three notifications in a row... I played them last night but I was too lazy to write because I was sleepy :rotf:
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    Helper Robots
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    Denis Nazin
    Nov 7, 2022
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