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Push And Fall

Try and try until you suceed, I guess? Hopefully, you have chosen the right path for this level is a maze-type level. Some "win" blocks can be deceiving.

Push And Fall
P_simorf, Jun 7, 2020
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Rating:
      That was a surprisingly quick solve. I won with my first winblock. As usual i tried a direct approach and used about 30% of the level.
      P_simorf likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      Bit of a surprise as i have also won with a different winblock which i had presumed was a red herring.
      P_simorf likes this.
    • P_simorf
      Which win blocks?
      Btw, there are 3 win blocks. One at letter P, the other at H, and the other one near P, A and F.
    • ridgerunner
      @P_simorf ..wins..
      First win was by pushing the ball as the parallel wedges looked so inviting. Second win was under the H
      P_simorf likes this.
    • P_simorf

      "Parallel wedges looked so inviting..."

      The first win block that you chose is the best option.

      The second win block seems to be the best option but it will not always make you win. The rail on top is makes B claustrophobic. The next move to the top, which is autopilot, will become quite unstable.
    • ridgerunner
      @P_simorf .. got the second winblock with autopilot and quick cancel tap.
    • P_simorf
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      A. Gameplay (+3 stars)
      • democratic concept, free to choose which way to finish. and all the way are quick and fun.
      • first win at letter H, finished with boggie bot bug
      • second win, toss hardly with L shaped rotating dragable
      • third win with ball drop at letter P
      B. Design (+2 star)
      • beauty forest scenery with letter trees
      • every letter have different terrains, providing variation of tricks, free to choose which one to be played.
      C. Guide & Tricklist (-1 star)
      u dont have any of hint of which tricks should be use... only spoiler of where the finish are located...
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