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Power Bump

Thanks Mekostudio for the desert blocks hahaha.

Power Bump
P_simorf, Jan 5, 2021
    • P_simorf
      The static autosliders underneath will prevent ToA and kicking the ball. The auto-metals (motor, slider) SHOULD help you bump the balls. Think of it as reverse autopilot like B has already reached the moving metal yet he/she still needs to return to the ground just to bump the ball.

    • Rating:
      Quick easy fun , but i might have been put off playing if i had read the complicated “how to play”. More to the design than meets the eye.
    • Rating:
      Eaay but FUN...Thanks for sharing @P_simorf ;)
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      4 stars for new innovation
      1 star for new application
      of awkward thin grass layer
      which appear underneath other blocks
      as highlight lines of the level.
      P_simorf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      Easy level but nice design. I didn't look at your spoiler.

      I thought that the gameplay is much longer.

      Nice small level and its logic is nice too. Thanks!
      P_simorf likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      B can't drop the first ball to get out.... After about 50 attempts, once the ball started and stopped. Bad design....

      EDIT - Looking ahead, there were more soccer moves required - moving on....
    • Jom
      I didn't see the instructions. I got there by persistently trying until B eventually kicked the balls. Couldn't understand it because I didn't think @P_simorf would use that, and apart from fighting with the balls the gameplay was too simple, ;):eek::confused:.

      Then I looked at the hints. I am afraid I don't understand the hints, :confused:o_O!
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy

      I suggest that you try the spoiler. My apologies if it's not that clear.

      @Meko Guy, @Jom
      I'll try to make a video solution for this.
      Jom likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - I didn't look at the spoilers as I like to solve the level myself but if a ball will not fall, there's not much I can do. I rounded surface would have helped if B must do soccer.
    • P_simorf
      @Meko Guy
      The static slider underneath prevents B from kicking the ball thus you should come up with another solution.
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - Okay - the spoiler did help and I was able to drop the balls with the auto pilot effect - maybe classified as a trick as B is being redirected.
      P_simorf likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @P_simorf - I see your last comment now and I wonder why one would want to make their level harder than it needs to be?
    • Rating:
      Emmm :unsure: not a good experience. Straightforward and it's irritating to drop balls with momentum :oops:
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