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Help B to reach the pavilion and relax before the day gets hotter.

AnonymousChocolate, Aug 31, 2016
MomoKeego, chemi and TR O like this.
    • AnonymousChocolate
      Some might not know how to get pass the zapper bot so this is the solution. :)
      1) Drag the R bot inside and use it to push the zapper away from the stairs.
      2)Drag the R bot again to make it stand on the draggable block on the ground in the middle of the 'cage'.
      3)Let go of that R bot and when it is about to walk away from the draggable block, tap and drag the draggable block. R bot will be stunned for a while, before it starts to walk again.
      4) Before R bot walks away from the draggable block, quickly repeat Step 3 a few times ( 3-4 times)
      5) When you noticed the R bot inside is already standing straight, move down the platform above. The zapper bot on the plat form above shall step onto his friend's head and get trapped.
      6) Finally, you can happily move B to the ball and subsequently get him to the pavilion.
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Well thought out level design=D. And you really captured the essence of japanese temple. The temple, pond and bridge. The ambience is amazing. Nice!
    • Rating:
      Excellent pavilion and garden art and a good puzzle level too.
      A couple suggestions:
      - re-orientate the lift such that the slider cannot be fallen into; and
      - allow the caged R to roam freely without a draggable for a head (just a regular metal block or metal pillar would suffice). I believe that the free draggable would still be pushed out with downward pressure exerted by the upper platform. Also, I don't think you need the centre draggable in the grass at all. I simply lowered the platform over his head when the time was right.
      Thank you for your creation!
    • AnonymousChocolate
      @TR O Although I don't know a thing about Japanese temple design/architecture, I still really appreciate your compliment and 5 stars rating! :D Thank you!
    • TR O
    • AnonymousChocolate
      @nGord Once again, thank you for the compliment and suggestions! :D
      The idea of letting the slider stay outside of the cage and not in the way of the caged R bot is good, it can be used in my future levels ;) And regarding the second suggestion, the prototype of this level used a non-controllable R bot but I had to let this idea vanish as the slider rail implemented later on got in its way. Also, I tried to lower the platform and trap the R bot's head without using the draggable block but could not. How did you do it ?:eek:
    • AnonymousChocolate
      @TR O hahah I didn't randomly build it, I just based my designs on East Asian architecture in general, with Chinese architecture slightly more familiar to me and thus influencing the design a little more. :) I am not 100% certain about the differences between Japanese,Chinese and Korean architecture, let alone knowing the architectural styles of Japanese Shinto shrine, that was why I tried not to add too many complex details on the design and not specifying which region's architecture this was based on, so as to not confuse others :p
    • AnonymousChocolate
      @TR O Though with my limited knowledge, this seems a little bit like a Japanese style garden, but when I was designing the landscape I did not follow the style,only my imagination :p
    • Rating:
      Really nice design although it is little bit easy. Thanks!
    • TR O
      @AnonymousChocolate Alright then. It does look like a Japanese garden. Plus the horn like thingies on top of the temple is similar to their Samurai helmet, which makes it little bit like Japanese style. Anyway, overall this level has a good composition. Thanks!
    • AnonymousChocolate
      @chemi Thank you! I will try to make more difficult levels in the future :D
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