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Over The Fence

This is supposed to be a short level but R walks too slow. Some weird moves incorporated so first comment might help you out.

Over The Fence
ohmytian, Sep 2, 2024
delator77 and Meko Guy like this.
    • ohmytian
      Low ceiling and maybe offset falling
      P will need to miss B and fall.
      Slide the lift up slowly with P, P will have his head pushed against the upside down wedge, slide the lift up and P will fly over the fence.(First 10 seconds of the video)
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      Meko Guy
      I'll start a conversation
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      I was careless looking at the level and made it a bit harder than necessary. On the other hand I didn’t push or use the medium height ball. I liked the flicking.
      at 1:32 i put B onto the rounded block next to the fence so that B would fall off from head of PillarR when it came round to the inside of aforementioned block. Also I mistakenly thought that a stack was needed for the final star capture and used pillarR on B.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @ridgerunner Thanks for playing!:thumbsup: Your alternative for the first star capture is clever although it used another trick I didn't list. And sorry for the confusion of the last star. @Meko Guy had the same ending as yours. I guess you used the lift to toss P onto B?
    • ridgerunner
      @ohmytian..you guessed correctly. I don’t read the trick lists before i start.
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great level... smaller but not less easier...:sneaky:... we have the same gameplay :D... thanks @ohmytian ;) very good job!
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @delator77 Thanks for playing!:thumbsup: finally one player who had the same gameplay:rolleyes:
    • Tui
      Not the intended gameplay?
      sorry my bad
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Tui
      Not the intended gameplay :p
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @Tui :eek: Poor P, what have you done to him. :rotf:

      The image had the wrong gameplay - B shouldn't be on that ball and I had no idea how you managed to push that ball. Do you need any help to progress?
    • Tui
      @ohmytian I have no idea how b got there either :confused: I gave up and watched the video I'm just not a very good player as you may have guessed by the image:p
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @Tui At least you gave it a try! Thanks for playing!:thumbsup: You can ask for help whenever you're stuck as I'm on holiday now. I will be very happy to help.

      You're a very good mekobuilder so I'll be looking forward to your levels. :rolleyes:
      Tui likes this.
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