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Only You

B Said to Z "Only You Can Win it"

Only You
BangTe, Apr 30, 2020
RZK and cong1710 like this.
    • BangTe
      Repost level As @Ray Aznable and @Meko Guy has found a shortcut

      * Squad Drop
      * Auto Pilot
      * Elevated Zapper
      * Hercules Push + Cancel Tap
      * SSS
      * Low Ceiling + Cancel Tap
      * Elevated Eye

    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - You removed the SSS at the top for B to go down and drop the mechanism. Is that now, a momentum auto pilot over the stairs / wedge to drop the mech?
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy do SSS when the mech fell to access the edge ball
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Before that - drop the ball to release Z and what move to get over to mech?
    • BangTe
      Do auto pilot with Z on the slider. B can jump to wedge
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Over the stairs and wedge?
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - My B gets stuck on the wedge. The over the stairs worked once in 15 / 20 attempts.
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Okay - momentum auto pilot over the stairs and wedge isn't required - I will revisit.
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy dont do a momentum auto pilot. The designe is different
    • Meko Guy
      Thanks for the video - I was lost. Way too obscure as there are too many options.

      EDIT - Forgot to mention - Hiding the win. Come on!!
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      Sory about that. Just for fun @Meko Guy
      Actually This level i made for April fools day
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - It seemed like everything I did worked but not very good so I didn't know what was the right and stable way - I didn't see the tap the zapper move but I did see two others in that section that sort of worked. I seen the hercules push but couldn't see why as I thought that part was a trap for Z.
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - I can't win a level when I don't know what I'm working towards. In other words, if the win is hidden and there are no balls to lead the way etc, then I'd be lost. In this case, the win may be hidden but it would be triggered if Z goes to the shown one.

      I revisited the level and the opening works but not always - no big deal as it's a quick restart. I got all the way to the hercules push and B fell out :(. Since I seen no point of that move before I hadn't done it but once in the previous version. If I would have cancelled tapped, then I would have got it but not yet.... Need a break...
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      this reupload version
      force me to step all the ways intendedly
      cant use shortcut anymore.

      the eye levitation part is tricky and has dramatic effect.
      causing a big fence fell down.
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