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On My Way 2

If you like adventure, then this level is 4 you ✨

On My Way 2
Anomynous, Jun 21, 2020
    • Anomynous
      One of my most fvrt✨

      Hint: Do the wedge stack step slowly to do it perfect :)

    • Rating:
      Fun level and i enjoyed flipping B across the gap although i only did it once. I won without using the high ball but liked the gameplay to get it.
    • Anomynous
      @ridgerunner ooook:p
      I think i know how you didn't use high ball:sneaky:sometimis wedges behave 1 step down:thumbsup::cool:
      Thanks master 4 P,C&R✨
    • Rating:
      +1 star for being playable
      +1 star for no shortcut
      +1 star for the great design
      +2 stars for the fun tricky gameplay :rotf:
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - I was lost at getting the ball where B starts so I did a ToA instead of the momentum auto pilot. I did wonder how B was going to recover if the SBS timing was off for the high ball but I didn't need it. Overall nice level.
    • Rating:
      I enjoyed that. Thanks! I didn't use the high ball either, though.
      I got B and R through the middle by just raising and lowering the ball on the slider.
    • Anomynous
      @EL797 it's very satisfying 4 me to get full rates without any issue frim you my frnd:p:D

      @Meko Guy i feel myself lucky cz you are still playing and give reviews to my levels:)
      B will fall on the block next to him and continue to perform SBS:pthat,s a backup;)

      @cimarronline wow:eek:another way:p:thumbsup:also glad to receive a review from you:)

      Thanks all 4 P,C&R✨✨✨
    • Meko Guy
      I seen that one but I was thinking missing R and landing in with R...
    • Meko Guy
      I have been playing many other levels too but many of them are unstable to weak or include tricks that I have no desire to spend time on. I started building a level this AM as I was bored...
    • Rating:
      Clever & FUN tricky level with exquisite design! Of course,5 shinny stars :D Thanks for sharing @Anomynous ;)
    • Anomynous
      @Meko Guy
      wow:eek::) so when will you post:p

      @delator77 :p:DThanks master as always to be my support and source of inspiration;):thumbsup: Thanks 4 P,C&R✨
    • Meko Guy
      @Anomynous - After it's done and tested. So far, it's a no trick level.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Meko Guy Are we going to have to start calling you Brett Favre?
    • Meko Guy
      @Don G Rowe - I didn't understand the comment? I googled "Brett Favre" and found out he was / is a football player but .....
    • Don G Rowe
      @Meko Guy Near the end of his career he "retired" and then "un-retired" several times. ;)
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    On My Way
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    Jun 21, 2020
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