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Old Building

B was exploring a building when he got stuck in the chimney! Years passed before he could free himself! Now he must find his way through the rubble of the old building!

Old Building
JackBauer, Apr 27, 2017
    • Don G Rowe
      Got it now, earlier zoom wouldn't scan for some reason. :)
    • TR O
      Is B suppose to hover in the end? Nice long and interesting gameplay level btw=).
    • Rating:
      Wow! Amazing level. One of your best I would say. As usual it has great visual design but this time it has also very enjoyable game play. It includes also some tricky steps. Thanks!
    • chemi
      @Don G Rowe QR worked zooming it and getting a screenshot.
    • Rating:
      Wow! Amazing level! Had a lot of fun figuring out where to go next! Thanks!!
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Completed. Great level. I like especially the part where B could get pressed.
    • Rating:
      Amazing how you can squeeze so much into such a small space. And you make it look great, with some story too. (Looks more like an old factory though)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      The path is easy to figure out, but only on a step by step basis. Each step presents a different kind of fun.
    • Rating:
      If you are an experienced player you will complete relatively easy this level but as it says @Block builder each step is fun in itself !!! complicated and sophisticated architecture and a spectacular gameplay ... I am delighted and grateful that you have returned my friend (as Terminator jajaja) ... you are a top level creator, imaginative, different .... I missed you but you are back;)
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      I'm going with a deep old school comparison here. This really reminds me of the animated arcade classic Dragon's Lair. The game presented an intrepid knight a series of individual challenges to overcome to reach a dragon's lair and rescue the appropriately blonde and buxom princess. I'll leave it there in the interest of keeping it family friendly, but it was a great game just as this was a great level with new and fun challenges around every corner.
    • Rating:
      Amazing level. The building were designed as per the level name. The only part were I found trouble, was to find the hidden areas, made me guessing where to go next. This is really a great designing of level. However I would also request you to post spoiler of hidden areas for others to know easily where to go next. Other than that nice level.
    • Rating:
      Jose Luis Galiano
      Welcome again. We missed you
    • Rating:
      Excellent level
    • JackBauer
      @chemi Thanks for the review! :thumbsup:
    • JackBauer
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    Apr 27, 2017
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