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Obstacle Course

OC take 3

Obstacle Course
Jim, May 20, 2017
chemi and Skitmo like this.
    • Rating:
      Not sure if i completed the whole course or how much of it is red herrings. There is a very good clue as to what happens with the ball near the end and tho it worked for me first time , repeat attempts had about 50% success rate even when i knew what to expect.
    • ridgerunner
      Have involved another area in the gameplay so i feel confident i have completed as designed leaving one 'hoop' red herring unused.
    • gmacpro
      Got me? I got 3 baskets and the ball stopped in the T but what now?
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro Ball is on top of a draggable. Should be a repeat of what you have done already diagonally opposite. Gaps in the fence are not to help you see better.
      gmacpro likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Clever to hide stuff but way too much ball work where anything can go wrong as it did. B didn't win as I gave up trying.
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro .. i found i needed to give the draggable a wee bounce so that the ball gets pushed a bit further so it falls in the correct place rather than roll back into the T or stuck on the pole
      gmacpro likes this.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - Thanks for the guidance but I'm surprised I even played this level as I don't normally bother with ball tossing levels due to the unpredictability.
    • Rating:
      A little hard the ball behaviour, hard to control but it's a level very funny I like it! Thanks!:thumbsup:
    • Jim
    • Rating:
      I suspect I didn't solve it as designed but I didn't find other way... can you confirm? Thanks!
      I used just two baskets, then push B and the ball to the playground to play football. Too much red herrings, right?
    • chemi
      When throwing the ball to the third basket do it slower so ball gets to the stairs and rolls directly to the water corridor.
    • Jim
      @chemi course was designed to send the ball through the first 3 ring sets in order, then use it to help B walk to the win
    • Jim
      @chemi both sliders above are used. No red herrings in this course
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