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Not Too Mini

6×6×6 easy level. No trick required.

Not Too Mini
BLR, May 28, 2022
    • BLR
      This is the first time i made mini level so... Hope you enjoy it!;)
    • Denis Nazin
      My friend, I passed your level. But I don't understand how to take the top star without a trick?! I found a way - but it's unstable, I don't like it. Maybe I'm wrong, that's why I wanted to see your VS before assessing the levelo_O. I always try to put a rating - evaluating the correct gameplay, conceived by the author:rolleyes:. I like traffic logic:thumbsup:. But l took the top star on the fourth attempt.:confused::rotf:
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Very good mini level. I like the traffic logic and its interaction with bots:D. But it seems to me that the last move is a little unstable.
      I watched your video - I did the same. But my B missed three times :unsure: (so I thought it was wrong. And for a long time I was looking for another way to take the top star:confused::rotf:).
      Thanks for the level. Apart from the last move, everything else I really liked!:thumbsup:;)
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
      @Denis Nazin thank you very much my friend!! Glad you like it and sorry for the last move:unsure:;)
    • Rating:
      Not being a fan of traffic levels, my gameplay was shorter and i had a different finish.
      with about 5 slider moves, then freed R and R moved to the second step. Push R sideways onto B. For the finish i made R grow long legs and simply raised the draggable.
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
    • Rating:
      Simple Design
      Nice mini level. I used same way as @ridgerunner at the start and use your way at the finish. Thanks for the level @BLR:thumbsup:
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
    • Rating:
      Nice mini traffic level :cool:
      THANKS FOR SHARING ;):thumbsup:
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
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    May 28, 2022
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