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Fendi, Feb 2, 2022
    • Link
      Are any tricks used?
      Fendi likes this.
    • cimarronline
      I thought I had it figured out, but...
      I can't find a way to get P on B next to the win (so R can win).
      Fendi likes this.
    • Neophyte
      @Link I think I've reached the endgame (all balls bumped, two stars collected) without any tricks at all. But I'm now out of ideas. Everything I've tried has failed. :(
      @cimarronline Me too.
      The nearby overhead rail thwarts all attempts, and B on P won't work either, because of the horizontal stone pillar. I'm not entirely sure of the role of Z here: he can be herded so that B can avoid him, so maybe B has to die for the win.
      Given that this is a @Fendi level, there's probably something unexpected waiting for us. (I would never have predicted the ending of Slips Trips - it happened all by itself. :rotf:) Perhaps there's a clue in the title.

      I'm glad I'm not alone in my head-scratching. :giggle:
      Fendi and Link like this.
    • Fendi
    • Rating:
      Could not get L to the finish when I looked at this yesterday but decided to exhaust every herding option this morning and finally got L over there. I much prefer the move to get R away from the step gets isolated on. I discovered this with L first time.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Neophyte
      Thanks, @Fendi, for the video. The solution's not as elegant as I'd expected, but at least I now know it's possible.
      I had already tried the key move (which happens around 05:50), but without involving R, just B.
      I won't rate, since I didn't solve the level unaided.
      Fendi and Meko Guy like this.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! brilliant tricky level,very complex so I am very happy to solve it by myself :sneaky:... thanks for sharing & for the fun @Fendi ;)
      Fendi likes this.
    • Fendi
      At 5:50 I've tried, it doesn't work, then how about when L (P) spin around and get stuck in the wedges? Of course it needs R's help, and that is easier certainly with R's help. Can you make the video when L (P) can make it through the wedges and the pillars without R's help?
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      The first part with all the balls was no problem....but then OMGOSH it got tricky. Needed help from the VS so thanks for including it. Awesome intriguing level :thumbsup:
      Fendi likes this.
    • Fendi
      @Sammy 5
      But I feel like maybe this level is too comlplex, sometimes only a few player can figure it out :D
      Sammy 5 likes this.
    • Sammy 5
      @Fendi yes it is complex but including a video solution helps people to learn and grow their repertoire of skills and tricks
    • MomoKeego
      Amen & yes to VS. I'd be useless w/out most of them & this is one of those. I'm not too proud to admit when I'm dull witted & drawing a blank. o_O
      This is clever, I'm not.:rotf:
    • Rating:
      Oops, see, duh...
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