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Don G Rowe

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror
Don G Rowe, Dec 11, 2020
    • Don G Rowe
      Named for the famous episode of the original Star Trek series where a transporter malfunction transposes Kirk with his evil counterpart in the Mirror Universe. Unlike that episode, however, no tricks are needed ... ;)
    • Meko Guy
      Sorry between the herding and the low ceiling effect and the ball toss over B - too tedious for me.

      EDIT - Forgot to mention - one ball was a red herring?
    • Rating:
      Quite simple level. I liked the method of tossing the ball. Thanks for sharing.

      Edit - about a ball being red herring, I don't think so.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I won with one ball not used. I finally got the ball toss after 4 attempts - too bad you didn't have guides for the ball as the first three missed their mark - not really tossing but rolled down the stairs poorly.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Meko Guy Sorry you had issues. There is a very stable way to win using all 3 balls, minimal herding and no low ceiling effects. :eek:
    • Meko Guy
      @Don G Rowe - Will revisit...

      EDIT - Does the ball need to go over a bot, B or R? That's what was unstable for me.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Meko Guy
      No. All balls can reach their intended targets directly.
    • Meko Guy
      Okay - I see your intended way (all three balls) but I can still win with only two balls doing it your stable way and no low ceiling. The ball by the win isn't needed.
    • Rating:
      Very nice design & FUN ball tossing...Thanks for sharing @Don G Rowe :thumbsup:
    • Don G Rowe
      @cimarronline @Meko Guy
      Yes. The water camouflages the two-deep hole somewhat, but once you discover it, then you can win from the start with just 2 balls. The third one is there for the first time you discover it ...
    • Meko Guy
      @Don G Rowe - I didn't drop any balls on the other side as I could see it had no point and you know I don't like hidden but with .2 I had no problem seeing.
    • Don G Rowe
      There are actually
      2 visual hints. One is the reflection of the water, which is brighter in the two-deep hole because of the white floor at the bottom. The other is the configuration of the stairs, only one of which is accessible by R. If you miss those and put the first ball in the shallow hole (all options in the design are open) ... you're going to need all three.
    • Meko Guy
    • Don G Rowe
      @Meko Guy I would have been shocked if you hadn't ... ;)
    • Rating:
      Oily Jake
      Loved this level....subtle, fun and original. I needed your final hint...the mirror isn’t really a mirror at all!
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    Don G Rowe
    Dec 11, 2020
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