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Mini Games

Is this how logic levels are made? If this is good then I will start to make all my levels at late night lol

Mini Games
Divya, Mar 12, 2021
MomoKeego and Sammy 5 like this.
    • Divya
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Oh my god - was that game play you used in a level? This level required some thought so I rewarded you. With that said, I didn't use the ball or the two lifts around it. I also didn't use the auto slider to the right of B on start. I also got the last ball first - the one up the stairs. Definitely a step in the right direction - thanks for sharing.
    • Meko Guy
      @Divya - I forgot to mention that you shouldn't list a spoiler saying 'tricks' as some players will see that tricks are required without looking to see which tricks you intended. They will use auto pilots etc to win and find out after - whoops.
      Divya likes this.
    • Divya
      @Meko Guy Thank You this is a big milestone for me! I won't mention tricks in my levels from now on. Thank you
    • Meko Guy
      @Divya - Mentioning tricks is super especially if they are required but not when they aren't.
    • Rating:
      Pink Axa
      Good level - I saw in your spoiler that "No Tricks Required"... but, I used autopilot to get the star, and I didn't use the ball.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Fun and varied use of sliders and I liked the clean and inviting look of the level :thumbsup:
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    Kid Stuff
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    Mar 12, 2021
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