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EL797, Jun 9, 2024
delator77, jana and cimarronline like this.
    • EL797
      Minesweeper in real life (same as the one in this level)

      * 1 vertical rail represents there will be 1 P bot on 1 of the 8 blocks (excluding blocks that already have rails and white space) surrounding that rail
      * 2 vertical rails represent there will be 2 P bots on 2 of the 8 blocks (excluding blocks that already have rails and white space) surrounding the rails
      * Hence find the positions of the 4 P bots in the game

      Thanks @Denis Nazin for testing this level. ;)
    • Rating:
      I enjoyed this fun new variation on the theme.
      Additional star added for nostalgia as it took me back to playing the game when younger.
      jana and EL797 like this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I really love and played a lot of the original (real) Minesweeper game. That's why it wasn't difficult for me at all. But for most players I think this is the optimal difficulty level. Moreover, the main idea here is the level. In my opinion, you came up with a great idea! Super, I really liked the adaptation for mekorama;):thumbsup:
      jana and EL797 like this.
    • Rating:
      I was thrilled to have won that fun classic level! Thanks for the hint! ;)

      In the actual minesweeper game, I struggle to win - those bombs always get me, and maybe I'm just too unlucky, hehe. :D
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @ArGee @Denis Nazin @jana Thanks for PCR! :) I am surprised that all of you have played this game as no one has adapted it before when some other games such as sudoku have been adapted many times in Mekorama, so I thought this game is unpopular
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Fascinating idea :thumbsup:. I'm so bad at playing minewisper :confused:. I couldn't solve it and thus I forcefully dragged p bots after the roof dropped and got all the star through this cheating :D. But I appreciate the original idea and I enjoyed the game more here (because I didn't have to do restarts :rotf:).
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Lately your ability to reproduce in Mekorama games of our lives is really amazing... I like it! thanks @EL797 ;) keep it up!
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Captivating level. Is the patience card game next? :D
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Block builder I don't know how to play it so no lol. Thanks for PCR :p
    • Rating:
      Simone Tat
      Nice :)
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      97 NinetySeven
      Memories of many games played.
      Fun, fun, fun.
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Love it, don't really like the obstruction on top but the game it's self is basically the same
      EL797 likes this.
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