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Marcos E31

Marcos E31
Marcos19, Aug 23, 2020
Ray Aznable likes this.
    • Marcos19
      - Piloto automático.
      - SBS.
      - Cancel tap
    • Meko Guy
    • Meko Guy
      I gave up as B died over and over and over (thanks to the timing requirement) with the zapper. Surely, there a perfect time to get thru the passage but I'm not going to study and analyze that section as zapper dodging isn't fun.
    • Meko Guy
      I watched your video to see what Candle Touch was - still don't know but I see you are still hiding stuff in your levels. The SBS that was hidden. You know you put it there but we don't - I'll pass on your levels again as they have improved but I don't play hidden and you seem to always use it.
    • Marcos19
      @Meko Guy no entiendo qué me dices, yo nunca dije "toque de vela" / "candle touch". Tu traductor lo hizo mal.
      "cancel tap (tap some place on the level where B can't go to stop the move)" figura en tu nivel, a ese truco yo me refiero.
    • Marcos19
      @Meko Guy no hay que esquivar zappers, simplemente avanzar cuando el zapper no está al lado del camino de césped. No es difícil y no hay que esquivarlo.
    • Marcos19
      @Meko Guy no hay nada oculto, y el único SBS que hay en este nivel está muy visible. La verdad no te entiendo a que te refieres. Pero me alegro que vuelvas a intentar jugar mis niveles
    • Meko Guy
      @Marcos19 - Okay on the cancel tap - bad translation.

      'Nothing hidden' - the move 3:07 is advanced SBS and it only works because there is another set of stairs hidden underneath. How do I know to do a SBS there?

      Your definition of zapper dodging and mine are different. B must run pass a moving zapper but if the lift in the building isn't at the right timing then B dies because of the zapper. I tried over 5 times and wasn't not successful. Once B didn't enter the building and the timing looked right as B's legs grow long, probably because of the metal stairs (they act differently than regular stairs). Anyway, I gave up as B wasn't able to get into the building before being zapped. You may think it is easy but I don't.
    • Marcos19
      @Meko Guy no sabia que se llama "SBS avanzado" ese movimiento, para la próxima lo tendré en cuenta. Ese movimiento es por instinto, no hace falta ver otra escalera abajo, con solo ver una escalera y luego unas cuñas se supone que tienes que subir por ahí y hay otra escalera abajo. Pero si tú dices que es necesario que se vean entonces para la próxima lo tendré en cuenta.

      Exacto. Tu definición y la mía es diferente. Esa dificultad que provocó que pierdas 5 veces es solamente una dificultad que tiene el nivel para que no sea tan fácil, sino es aburrido si no hay un poco de dificultad y solamente hay que avanzar en el nivel, no te parece? De todas formas no es difícil, solo calcula cuando avanzar
    • Meko Guy
      @Marcos19 - Think about us when we play your levels. If there are wedges above stairs that means do a SBS? Come on, that is crazy. It's not the wedges that make the move but the stairs stacked. It's called advanced SBS as you can go sideways as well and you can add in auto pilot. Your thinking and my thinking don't align and therefore I'll not be playing any more of your levels.
    • Rating:
      Three stars for a playable content.
      Sometimes B's tricks bore me as they get repeatedly used but people know them already. But dont' get me wrong. if tricks are your bag and i'd encourage you to sharpen that skill and continue to make this forum alive and active. :thumbsup:
    • ridgerunner
      Unplayable for me as the ball never travels back straight . I can make B ride the ball and B falls half way down the wedges. Once managed to get B down to the autopilot.
    • Marcos19
      @ridgerunner cómo que la pelota nunca regresa recta? El video que grabé fue el primer intento mio, no es inestable el juego. Lamento que no te haya salido.
      Además montar la bola no está permitido, no está en la lista de trucos permitidos.
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