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Anxo Varela


This is a pseudomagnetic test. When B is in a oblique brick, it loses balance and falls, probably because its programming is intended only for orthogonal paths. Here I tried to use that bug to create a more or less playable level.

Anxo Varela, Aug 28, 2017
hadi and PvB like this.
    • Anxo Varela
      You can descend one floor each time putting B aligned gently with the magnets and waiting.
    • Rating:
      Interesting level.
    • Sculron
      Pretty sure i didn't win the designed way, but i have no idea what the intention is here. Maybe a video could help?
    • Anxo Varela
      Ok, I will upload a video this afternoon.
      Sculron likes this.
    • Anxo Varela
      @Sculron , I've already uploaded the video ;)
      Sculron likes this.
    • Rating:
      This level is easily solvable with one ToA:oops:
      but nice design;):)
    • Rating:
      Lianne Malone
      Initially I certainly did not win the intended way. Miss the affected die early and won quite accidentally with a smack upside the head and a drop to the bottom lever. Had to back to experience the intended effect.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      very repetitive
      only doing autopilot
      then rotate the big object
      many times untill finally
      B arrived at bottom part
      of the big rotating object.

      but the design is very cool.
      3 stars + 1 for design...

      thanks for sharing.
    • Ray Aznable
      (O.O)hh I see

      have been watched video solution,
      so the intended way is using
      "magnet effect"
      B is stumbling if put at the edge of
      big object, when it being rotated 45°
      or diagonally....

      then u just add some decoration
      looks like magnet....

      because B is programmed to walk
      only in X Y axis or only for 4 direction (+).
      when being put diagonally,
      B is like being pulled back to a block,
      cant stand on between two blocks.
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    Anxo Varela
    Aug 28, 2017
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  • This video illustrates the effect tested in this level. I apologize for the poor gameplaying and zero editing effort on the video... I was waiting to get the cures in the infirmary and I had to get in when I had started the recording.