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Loihi means long. This level is long mainly due to the slow walking L bot.

mastersifu, Nov 15, 2021
Helena, RZK, Karen 2.0 and 1 other person like this.
    • mastersifu
      Rotate the rotor slowly so B can land safely without getting zapped.
      Low ceiling
      This video solution shows a different card but with the same gameplay. I only noticed a shortcut using the rotor after I recorded the video.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Well after the 1st half hour - I was wishing you had recovery cards as it's tiring restarting and repeating.
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy I can make one for you if you want. Just tell me where to put B and L in.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Thanks but a recovery card probably wouldn't help aside from giving your game play away as I'm not seeing the game play in the middle. With the moving mechanisms that is always hard to see future roads and to focus on getting them where one thinks they should be takes time to set up only to find out that's close but wrong.
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy There's nothing tricky here with the mech push - it's just a simple one block mech push that requires two bots to start the push. Before the mech push, you should have dropped one ball.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - After almost 1 hour I got that part but before that part how does B get down safely after pushing the ball in the corner with the zapper below. Coming down, B gets zapped but not always. I did get B down and B fell where L starts but then L is trapped. You can see - just doing those three attempts was a loihi go and maybe I'm close with the B drop just not lucky.
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy I'm aware of that and that's why I wrote - "Rotate the rotor slowly so B can land safely without getting zapped." You may also use autopilot falling trick for B to miss the rotor and land before L to herd L out but autopilot isn't in my trick list.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Okay - I had not read that. I did it slowly both times and the first failed so now I will not spend more time looking for a safer way. Thanks
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy You need a recovery card there? I can start you off just after B pushes the ball directly above the zapper.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Thanks I got the card - I'll use it on my next failure
    • ridgerunner
      I have won and collected all the stars but i am struggling to find the designed gameplay for the winblock ball. I pushed the winblock ball with L while i presume it is meant to be pushed by B.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Finally I've won !!! That was extremely complex and coupled with the instabilities built into Mekorama, it took me around 2 hours to win and that didn't include the extra star that starts over the zapper. B got zapped coming down sometimes so that was annoying and was the zapper really required? A stair in the dirt would have prevented B from collecting that star just the same. The mechanism push failed twice in a row. One time, the mechanism didn't move - B got pushed over onto the wedge (stuck), the next time, B ended up on L and I couldn't get B off. Those were the instabilities. The level had great logic, like - that ball must stay in order to go there so how do I get to there as I need that ball??? Thanks for sharing
    • Rating:
      I did find a way to get B to get the winblock ball but it was not the designed gameplay. So my overall gameplay was a bit different. I didn’t use the inverted U slider twice to get the first ball but i used it twice later on to get B to the draggable leading to winblock ball. My failure to see the designed gameplay was false logic thinking that i had to not push a central ball to allow B access to the finish. I did like the use of the inverted U slider. In my first win i got L onto the winblock ball draggable by walking L on B to the sand between the pairs of face to face steps and using low ceiling to get B to move onto a step.
    • Rating:
      Seems like it's designed by me:p but the gameplay inside it is completely opposite of my style.
      You should make a little short levels cz many people like a good health challenge;)
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy I had not think about this - "A stair in the dirt would have prevented B from collecting that star just the same.". And I completely agree with you about this statement. A stair instead of a zapper will be less annoying. The mech push - I don't know what can I comment on it. Sorry about the instabilities, had tried my best to make it as stable as I could. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.

      @ridgerunner You notice the star above the ball in the corner? I thought this will help players to figure that B should be traverse on a rolling ball. Nonetheless, glad that your method works too. Did you use any other tricks other than low ceiling? I failed to see your way. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.

      @Anomynous "completely opposite of my style" I don't know what exactly my style is but I did like playing your levels. "You should make a little short levels cz many people like a good health challenge" Ok. I will try my best to make my next level short but not simple. Now just have to see what steps should be abandoned from my existing level. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
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